chapter 6

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Yoongi takes the spare key out of his wallet and unlocks the door smoothly.

He can now clearly hear Con Calma blasting. He sighs for the nth time today. He shuts the door behind him and places the bag of snacks on the table and his soaked umbrella on the floor as he makes his way towards Hoseok's bedroom where he assumes the noise is coming from.

Hoseok and Jimin have no idea that there's someone else in the apartment right now, both the overly energetic boys are lost dancing- twerking on the songs.

Yoongi nears Hoseok's bedroom and as he enters, He sees his friends dancing with wings on which looks overly realistic. The shocked boy also notices that both his friends are practically glowing as if they're some sort of angels or fairies. Jimin, who is standing in the middle of the bed is loudly singing on the microphone and Hoseok who is aggressively twerking on the wall. But what shocks him more is that Hoseok's feet are not on the floor, he is levitating.

Yoongi's throat runs dry.

His pale face turns even paler than before.

He couldn't even gulp.

His eyes are stuck on Hoseok's feet which are not?? On?? the?? ground??

He tries to breathe but he feels like something heavy is placed on his chest.

Hoseok notices him in the middle of his twerking, his quick reflexes hides his wings back and they disappear within a second and his ears goes back to humanly state.

Sadly, Jimin is not that lucky. As soon as Jimin notices Yoongi his heart stops beating for a moment. His lips turns blue out of fear and shock. His whole body feels heavy as he fails to hide his original form. His entire body refuses to respond to him as he stays completely unmoving.

Without uttering any word, yoongi makes a run out of the apartment.

"HYUNG STOP" yells Hoseok as he runs behind yoongi.

Jimin finally snaps out of his thinking as his body successfully goes back to it's human state. He makes a run for Yoongi too.

Hoseok grabs Yoongi's hand who was just about to open the main door do run out.

Yoongi stills at his spot and refuses to turn around.

"Hyung please listen to me- I DO NOT WANT TO STAY HERE PLEASE LET ME GO" yoongi cuts Hoseok off. He snatches his hand away from the younger and reaches for the doorknob again but he's stopped by Jimin this time who is almost crying now.

"Yoongi hyung I know- I know what you are thinking right now but please, just please listen to us once we'll explain everything to you" Jimin desperately pleas to him.

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