September 23rd: No Such Private-Sessiom

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September 23rd. Wednesday.

I had told Jenny about Brenton wanting to "hang out" with me after school, and her wide smiles didn't surprise me at all. She hugged me, saying, "I knew you liked him! I knew it! It's so cute." She squealed I'm the end before she told me that she was going with me to her house to find something for me to wear. I knew it was wrong to take it as a bad thing, but half the clothes that Jenny had in her wardrobe were too 'Jenny'.

Like, she was Hollywood Sparks! So, I just reminded myself to aim for clothes were simple like Long-John's or were close to being like something I'd find in Walmart or Target. It had to be that simple for me to feel comfortable in my own skin--- especially in clothing.

So, I came to her house after school and she had me in her room as she demanded for me to strip down to my underwear so she could make suggestions on clothes that matched my persona. She was scattering, acting  as if she was the one going out with Brenton.

"Can't I just wear something simple...?" I had asked her. "I mean, I don't want it to seem obvious."

She snorted, saying that I passed that scenario a while ago. Geez, am I that obvious? I mean, I try not to be--- but if Jenny has to say something like that, them it's kind of bad. I think.

She had me wear a navy blue skirt that came down pass my knees with a matching long-sleeved shirt, and a jean jacket.  I wore my converse sneakers, and I let my hair fall in loose down my back and over my shoulders. She smiled at me when I was finished and told me that I looked like the next CoverGirl.

"Watch out y'all, Holiday Divert coming through! Lights, camera, work it!" She tried not laugh as she said those words, but I was laughing.

I went downstairs and Nick was there. He was sitting on he couch, watching Parks and Recreation before he took notice of me. He gave off a soft, "Wow", before the telling me that I looked beautiful. I felt my throat tighten in that moment, and he just said that I looked "nice".

"Thanks" I said to him.

"What's the occasion?" He didn't know t all about Brenton, which made me feel like a total idiot for not saying anything.

Then again, why should he care? It's none of his concern at all. So, I just straight up told him that I was hanging out with Brenton, and that's it.

He seemed quiet for a minute before he smiled and said, "Well, he's a great guy. He'll like you." He didn't seem confident on his words at all, which made me wonder if he was really pleased that I was going out with Brenton or not.

It didn't take that long for Brenton to get to their house, and I said "bye" to them both before I got into Brenton's Honda Civic. The minute I strapped myself in, he was staring at me. I felt kind of cautious, and asked him why he was staring at me. I tried to sound okay with it by voice, when really, it made me a heck a lot nervous.

He must've realized that he was stating, because he shook his head and turned to face forward. "Sorry", he said, "it's just that you look nice." He then smiled.

I just smiled before he pulled off. The drive was quiet and I kept wondering where it was  that he was taking me, but I just stayed quiet. The last thing I needed was to be considered annoying and ask over and over again, "Where are we going?"

So, I was quiet.

I thinknit took us an hour or so before he pulled into a parking spot near the boardwalk of the pier. It was a nice, vivd sight that seemed to last even from miles. Though there were people among the boardwalk, it seemed as quiet as the hushed ocean at twilight.

"You okay?" he suddenly asked me. "You look...speechless."

I was, honest to God--- I was. "I'm okay, it's just the view is so beautiful."

I heard him chuckle and say, "I know it is. That's why I chose to take you here." I smiled and turned to face him. That's when he touched my cheek. "You look nice."

I felt my cheeks burn before I nodded my head and told him a low, "Thank you". I let my lips simply curl as he pushed a weak  grin on his mouth.

I wondered if he was going to kiss me, but I didn't lean in or anything to find out for myself. Instead, I just bit my lip and let  a light smirk form on my face. He didn't do anything but rub my cheek with his thumb. The tight feeling deep in my throat excelled as he pushed his lips to brush lightly on my cheek in a chaste manner.

My face burned when the welcoming gesture from his lips lightly pressed again my cheek. He stared at me for a second before I let his fingers gently brush along my side as my arms came around his neck. I wanted to kiss him, I really did.

My heart jumped before I got the opportunity, and I turned my head when the hard knock of a miniture object beat against the window in a quick movement. I felt Brenton move when I turned to face the direction of where the object came from. All I had to do was open the door before I heard, "Use protection!" from a voice that I deeply despised.

Justin was standing there, away from the car. He had his shirt tucked poorly, sluggishly into his jeans, his hair bristled in different angles and undone, his worn out sneakers on his feet as he carried a crooked grin on his mouth. As if anyone would bother to want to his smile. He had dark eyes on me as he gestured himself to come forward from the tree he was underneath, and I stayed still as he moved his feet. There was a hard stare that came from me until Brenton put his hand to my shoulder.

"Holiday, are you okay?" he started to ask me.

I didn't know if I was since Justin was standing there. It wasn't surprising  that he was smirking at me, since he always does that just to get something out of me. It made me want to curse when he brushed his hand to mine, and I flinched.  He snorted before he said, "You weren't cringing when I took you home the night from that party."

That's when my stomach knotted and I felt my bones stiffen at all cost. There was no denying the feeling of undeniable distrust with myself as his words sunk into me. He took me home....that night . Him.

I caught him lick his lips and I shook my head. I was going to go straight with Brenton after he suggested that we'd get back in the car, but Justin reached to grip my arm. I winced as I tried to pull away, and he let his lips come straight onto my mouth. My throat closed when he kissed me, and he was pulled off me. I gasped and felt myself lean on my side near the ground.  My heart was felt clenched as I took a few breaths.

All I started to see was Brenton throwing rough punches to Justin across his face. I could hearnJustin grunting and I saw his blood coming up in his mouth. I don't blame Brenton for punching him, but he will kill him. I say Brenton's name before the air closed in, and all I remember seeing is Brenton turning to face me and Justin's eyes staring at me.

Misery of You: Justin Bieber (Book #1 of Perky Pursuits Series)Where stories live. Discover now