Chapter 7 - Lets dance!

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Tobirama pov:

The wedding was finally over. Everything had gone smoothly and as planned. Mio had stayed in her room just as she had promised and she had been completely inconspicuous. She hadn't asked too much from the guards either and they just gave her regular meals and the rest of the time she seemed to stay quiet.

But just as the wedding had ended, it was time for us to show the Uzumaki what we were hiding. Of course, they weren't too happy that we had hidden details about Mio and we had told them only after the alliance between our two clans was sealed. But they did seem to understand our concern and they had agreed to meet with Mio so we could come to a decision on how she could be used for the battle against the Uchihas.

I walked to her room and I could hear faint music from inside. It was instrumental, and was slightly similar to what I had heard several days back. I walked to the door and Raito bowed. "Tobirama sama." "Were there any troubles?" I asked and he shook his head. "No, Tobirama sama. We had no problems guarding her." I nodded and he opened the door for me and I stepped into the room.

But I frowned when I saw her. She was in strange and short clothes again, something that I didn't like at all and she was on the floor. She was lying on her back and lifting her legs in the air, doing a strange set of movements. She kept repeating them and I could make out that she was putting in a lot of effort to do it. She was sweating and she was really straining her stomach muscles. But I decided that I should interrupt her since I had to take her to aniki's office. We didn't want to keep the leader of the Uzumaki clan waiting for too long.

I knocked on her door and she stopped what's she was doing and looked at me. She sat up immediately but cringed and held her stomach before giving a stretch. She stood up after that and looked at me with a smile. "Tobirama san! So, do I finally get to leave this room?" She asked a bit too happily and I nodded. "You will come with me to meet the leader of the Uzumaki clan. We need to discuss how to use your power to fight the Uchihas. But first...." I paused eying her clothes in slight disgust. "....get into some decent clothes. I don't want the Senju clan's reputation ruined by your lack of respectable clothing." I said and she rolled her eyes. But she nodded and walked to the closet to pick out some clothes that looked decent.

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I waited for a few minutes and she walked out of the room wearing a half kimono and fighting pants. She was quite slim and the dress suited her well. In fact, she looked pretty with the way she had dressed up and I looked away and cursed under my breath as these unnecessary thoughts went through my mind again. I nodded to her and she followed me as I led her to the office.

I was a little worried though. After seeing the way she had disrespected my father last week, I didn't know what she was going to do today. If she tried to be defiant and say anything insulting to the Uzumaki clan, we would be shamed and we could even end up as an enemy. I glanced back at her and she was walking with a serene smile on her face. She was mainly watching the gardens as we passed by and she looked calm.

Hopefully, she would stay calm during the meeting and we wont have to bow our head in shame for her brat-like attitude.

Mi Ho pov:

"Come in." I sighed as I heard Butsuma san's voice from inside. He still sounded pretty pissed and well, I couldn't blame him. I had acted pretty haughtily last week and he probably thought I was just a spoilt brat. Well, I could be a spoilt brat when I wanted to in front of my sisters, but normally, I was a very calm and understanding person.....or so I had heard.

As I followed Tobirama san inside, I saw a beautiful girl with long flowing red hair sitting next to Hashirama san. Well, most of her hair was tied up and she was wearing a fancy kimono and hair jewelry. She was looking down calmly but she had a slight pinkish tint to her cheeks. Hashirama san kept glancing at her and he too was blushing slightly. I controlled my giggles with a smile and I finally noticed few other people in the room besides the Senjus I had met before.

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