Chapter 11 : Moral Quandaries

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"Good evening guests."Scratch that!

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." Ugh Too formal!

"Want some help?"

The shock from the sudden incoming voice caused me to spill the ink on my rehearsing parchment.

Ugh!! What was wrong with me? The ball was tonight and I had absolutely nothing to welcome the guests by. Nothing!!

"I didn't expect to see you here, Diana."

For two reasons actually, one usually when we fight I have to be the one to start the apology speech and two the ball was in a few hours and it took up to four hours to get them ready. Girls!

"Me neither, but I came here to apologize. I shouldn't have disrespected my father like that. I mean he is cruel, offensive, and sometimes blind but he is our father and this is the last time I am starting this!"

I was surprisingly glad. I didn't want to ruin my sister's visit but at the same time, I didn't want to allow anyone to speak low of father.

"I am too, Diana I really missed you," I said as I hugged her but yet that hug felt incomplete. Way too empty for two people. Yes, we were missing Naomi but we were also missing mother for she used to gather us in a family hug every night when we were kids saying that family was the most precious thing one could ever have.

What could I pay for those days to come back? Diana must have sensed my nostalgic sadness as she pulled me away making herself comfortable on my bed.

"So let's get started on that welcoming speech of yours." I could always rely on my sisters for help, that's what sisters are for right?

"You are bad but this is your lucky day I am a speechwriter master!" She gave me that reassuring smile. A smile that used to put me to bed knowing everything would be fine the next day or in that case, it meant that tonight would be nothing but a lovely dance but she was wrong. That night held no good. That night was a catastrophe.

"Focus prince Javen the rebels aren't gonna have any mercy!"

I was thinking way too much. I had to focus on my usual Sunday sword fighting lessons. What happened a week ago during the ball was never gonna happen again.

"Challenge yourself go for it!" I gotta admit my personal guard wasn't easy to take down, he was an excellent teacher. That was why I chose him, to make me fearless, but I guess swords don't kill fear, do they?

I just couldn't forget what happened that night.

Sometimes I wish I were normal, worrying about college or studying or even girls. Those times when you think your problems are bigger than you and with no everlasting solutions but deep inside you know you are going to get over them somehow.

The scariest part is that if I don't respond if I don't react quickly but thoroughly to face my problems, people's lives can be lost. It is frustrating to know that you are not only bearing your life on your shoulders but everyone else's. It is an unbreakable burden but that's the price you pay for being a crowned prince.

If you fall everyone else does especially when their king doesn't even care. I learned THAT  the hard way.

"Are you ready? Just like old times, we descend the stairs together!" Naomi whispered as she held my arm tightly from one side and Diana held the other. They were both wearing floor-length white matching dresses, while I wore my best black suit.

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