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Lithuania was sweeping the floors of a guest room in the large house he was forced to call his own, singing softly to himself. He was almost done with that room. Almost, until his work was interrupted by the screams of a young child. Most likely Latvia, he supposed. He dropped the broom and dashed off to find the teenager, who was most likely in the hands of their cruel master.

The Lithuanian saw what was wrong. Latvia had broken a plate and was now being harshly scolded for it. He had a red mark on his cheek and blood on his neck, which he concluded must have been from the glass plate, as there was a shard decorated with the red liquid in the platinum blonde's gloved hand.

"M-Mr. Russia?" Lithuania stuttered. He usually doesn't stick up for his fellow Baltic states, but he was feeling rather bold. And truth be told he was tired of him and his roommates being abused.

The purple-eyed Russian turned to look at him.

"Литва*,  return to work, you are not needing to be here." He said in broken English.

Lithuania trembled but didn't move.

"W-what happened?"

"Маленькая Латвия* was bad. I am needing to punish him."

Lithuania shook his head, and Russia glared at him over a not so friendly smile.

"Do you disagree, Литва?" He questioned darkly.

"W-well perhaps there are better methods of teaching a lesson."

"Maybe you are needing punishment too."

The smaller male coward backward almost tripping over this own feet. He could feel the adrenaline leave his body as pure, unguarded fear replaced it. This man always caused them such horrible pain. Yet he claimed to feel bad about it.

How could he feel bad when he always hurt them for the little things? Broken plates, accidentally speaking their native language, getting up even a minute late. Things that could be looked over, but simply weren't. And for what purpose? Lithuania had always concluded it was because the Russian liked the violence and craved their screams of agony. And perhaps that was true in some ways; but definitely not all.

Lithuania kept backing up until he hit a wall. Russia advanced on him, having forgotten that the Latvian needed punishment as well, as he was too focused on his new, misbehaving target.

He grabbed Lithuania by the shoulders and leaned close to his ear to whisper, "I don't like children who don't play by the rules. I am thinking you are needing to be set straight."

Lithuania's breath caught in his throat at the close proximity and the poison in his words. He pressed himself firmly into the wall in an attempt to get farther away from the tall Russian man.

"I-I'm sorry sir..." Lithuania whimpered to the other. He knew that sometimes apologies can help a little. This time, he didn't seem so lucky in that department.

"Sorry doesn't help the fact you have been very bad." He spat, venom flooding his every word like the dam to it had been broken.

Lithuania shook violently in sheer terror as he flinched away.

"I-it won't happen again!"

"After I punish you it definitely won't."

"Please don't do this, it won't happen again! I won't speak again! I only just healed from the last time! Please I'm scared!" Lithuania begged.

The Russian froze. Scared? Of him? Sure he needed to punish him but that was no reason to be afraid. It was only what needed to happen.

"Scared?" Russia asked at first. "Of...of me?"

Lithuania nodded tenttentatively could either go well or end in worse punishment.

"Oh....Сладкая Литва*..." He mumbled in Russian. "There's no need to be afraid...I'm only doing what's best for you..."

Lithuania shook his head, the light sobs stooping his ability to speak, rendering him silent. This wasn't the best. It wasn't ok. He knew it. But he didn't say anything because it would get him hurt.

The shaking carried on. Russia was a lost cause. Open ears with a closed mind.

Russia let go of the Baltic, only to gently thread his fingers into his hair.

"No need to be afraid Литва...." He cooed.

How could he do this? Didn't he know what it did to Lithuania when he was rough one moment and gentles the next? He couldn't stand it, yet he wanted it to be like this all the time.

He didn't know why. Of course, he wanted the abuse to stop; no doubt in his mind. But he didn't want the pain to stop. Not the pain caused by a whip, but the kind that was caused by Russia pulling his hair or gripping his wrists.

Russia noticed how Lithuania's mood seemed to get worse.

"What is wrong?" He asked quietly.

Lithuania shook his head, gently trying to push the Russian away from himself.

Ivan got the hint and pulled back.

"You are still needing punishment." Russia told him, "but I suppose no dinner tonight serves just as well."

After that, Lithuania was dismissed to do his chores.

The same broken record every day.


Welp here is a book for my OTP lol

Special thanks to TheFuriousCake
For the AMAZING cover!

*Russian- Lithuania, Little Latvia, Sweet Lithuania

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