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It was mealtime now, and of course, Lithuania was the one Russia favored to cook for him. Lithuania hadn't the slightest possible idea why that could be, but he went with it. Perhaps it was because people always said his cooking was amazing, but it was average in his modest opinion.

He was going about the routine of cooking, singing quietly to himself as to not disturb the other members of the house. Or Russia, who was watching him while leaning on the door.

Russia always enjoyed watching Lithuania, he had a fast and graceful way of moving, if not attractive by the girlish sway if his hips and a light step.

Lithuania wasn't one to notice such little things about himself until they were pointed out to him and he made effort to out the habits to an end; Russia never told him about these for that reason.

Lithuania had his hair tied back as to not get in his face while working, making him cuter in most opinions.

Russia game behind the other to watch over his shoulder, hands coming to rest right above Lithuania's hips. It's not meant to be anything romantic, or lovey, just a comfortable way to stand. Well. Mostly.

Lithuania looked up at him nervously, wondering if he had done something wrong. And why he was being touched.

"Just watching," Russia explained shortly.

Lithuania nodded and returned to his task, humming to himself as he did so.

He didn't really need to move from that spot, he mostly just had to stir until it was done, but as he did shift to grab nearby things, the hands-on his waist shifted with him.

It was a light touch, one he wasn't very used to from the large Russian, but it was enough to hold some sort of warm weight against the top of his hips. And somehow, Russia's hands were the perfect size for this sort of contact.

Eventually, that warmth extended for Russia's arms to be lightly wrapped around his waist.

Lithuania wasn't sure what was going on, or if he even liked it. But as long as he wasn't being hurt he didn't mind at all.

As he no longer needed to stand in that spot, he glanced at Russia.

"Yes?" Russia asked.

"Well all I gotta do is wait a bit for it to finish..."

Russia got the hint and let the Baltic go.

Lithuania went and sat on one of the counters, Russia going and putting his hands on either side of his legs.



"What- what are you doing?"

"I just like being close to you."

Lithuania decided this outranked punishment and decided that sure, this can just happen now.

He leaned his head on the Platinum Blonde's shoulder, sighing slightly in content. This wasn't so bad...

Russia moved his hands up the smaller man's sides to sit on his waist. Lithuania was still confused but opted to not ask. If he asked, Russia might get mad. That was logic in this house, don't ask and you can't get hurt.

Besides, Russia was the type to be touch-deprived, and therefore touchy with everyone he could be.

And Lithuania understood that to a certain extent, and Russia wasn't always bad, so why not take the good while you can?

Lithuania pulled away after a moment to look at him. Russia had a surprising soft look to his gaze. Something like silent admiration to the fact that Lithuania existed at all.

And Lithuania liked it. He hadn't seen that kind of look directed towards him for the longest time.

He softly smiled at Russia, and the latter could feel his heart-melting.

Lithuania always had the kind of smile that could calm a person down, it just might up a room. Filled with complete love even if he didn't like the person it was directed towards.

Russia pulled away after a moment, deciding he was done giving the affection for now.

Lithuania was relieved. And sort of sad. He did have a small liking for the touch gifted to him by the other, no doubt. But he was glad it ended

He quickly went to finish the food, separating it out into bowls. Only three.

After that, he set the table, and the other two Baltics were told to sit.

Lithuania was dismissed to his room.

But he didn't mind.
He was glad to have time to think.


Sorry, it's short! Wanted to get it out there~

Thanks to everyone reading this!

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