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- thoughtfulness and remembrance -

"Wait a minute, Hinata Shouyou, is that you?"

A strange sense of panic shot through Hinata as his mind went through all the possible people this mystery person who knew his full name could be. He looked up from his desk to meet the kind, shocked eyes of his former senpai, Sugawara Koushi.


"I knew that orange hair couldn't possibly be anybody else's, I never knew you came to Tokyo,"

"Uh yeah, I moved here a little while back, um how is everyone?"

"They're all doing good, in fact, we're all going out soon, It's a thing we try to do a couple times a year at least."

Hinata felt a little guilty hearing this, and also kind of jealous that his team had been spending so much time together and he was never there. But it was his fault for cutting them all off.

"That's cool, uhm."

"Here's my number, text me and I'll tell you the details!"

"Okay, do you want me to ring those up for you?"

Shouyou gestured to the bouquet in his arms, noticing the queue behind getting a little frustrated.

"Yeah! You know it's really crazy seeing you here after all these years, you've changed a lot yet you haven't changed at all..."

Hinata raised an eyebrow at this, but didn't respond as he finished gift wrapping the bouquet and taking the money for it.

"Thank you for coming, We'll speak later!"

He smiled at the grey haired boy, no, man.

Letting out a loud sigh, he took a deep breath, overwhelmed by what the hell just happened. Then he continued serving customers, no more surprise guests turning up and closed the shop at 7:30pm a little later than usual but it was Friday and the shop was busy.

Sugawara looked a little different, but he hadn't aged all that much. If Hinata's math was right (which was unlikely) Sugawara would be 26 or 27 now, seeing as he was 24. He looked good, with his same warm smile. The man had gotten more muscular and taller, but remained easily recognisable.

His eyes flickered to the picture on one of his walls, of him, Sugawara, Asahi and Daichi, the memory still fresh in his head of their graduation.


"Hinata, we want a photo with you, come on,"

Daichi gestured me to go to where the third years were stood, I felt honoured to be asked for a picture with them.

"Jump up onto Asahi's back and I'll go on Daichi's,"

Sugawara smiled, excited to take the photos he'd cherish for the rest of his life. It was a bittersweet feeling having the third years leave, they'd done so much for me and the team, and I'd miss them so much.


"Careful Hinata, I don't want to hurt you...grab on tight ok?"

Asahi had a concerned expression, scared he might drop me.

"I will!"

He crouched down so I could easily hop on, and then stood up again. I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely and my legs tightly around his waist. Asahi placed his hands under my thighs to keep me steady. So this is what it's like to tall. Sugawara and Daichi mirrored this and we all looked towards the camera, me and Suga making peace signs with our hands.


Kiyoko snapped the picture, and sent it to the volleyball group chat.

Once I'd climbed down, I gave them a hug, I couldn't help myself, hugs where always the best. They happily returned it, starting to get more emotional.

"I'm going to miss you, we all are!"

"We'll come and visit whenever we can, it'll be like we never left,"

"You better!"


"Shit, I'm getting all emotional again."

Hinata wiped a few lingering tears from his eyes and walked over to his bedroom to see if Natsu was still there. On the desk was a note,

Left when you were working, thanks for letting me sleep over <3

Kenma rang, asking if you wanted to go out with him, Kuroo and Lev tonight to celebrate them getting together.

xoxo Natsu

She must have slipped out at some point, it'd been a long day. So Kenma had said yes, even though Hinata was slightly confused as to why they'd invite him and Lev out, he needed to get his mind off today. Getting drunk sounded like a great idea. Kenma usually wasn't one for parties and clubbing, but Kuroo was a bad influence.

He grabbed his phone off the side where he assumed Natsu had left it, and rang up Kenma.

"Hey pudding head, congrats by the way!"

"Thanks Hina, can you come out tonight?"

"Yeah sure, what time we meeting and where?"

"Meet at 9 at A-Life, you know the one in Roppongi?"

"Sounds good, see you soon!"

"Bye Hina,"

He checked the time, 7:40pm. Opening his wardrobe, his eyes skimmed over all the clothes he could wear. Tonight he wanted to look good. After some deliberation he wore a long sleeved, cream coloured, collared shirt underneath a black sweater. For his pants, he chose fitted, black and white grid trousers and orange air forces that brought out his crazy hair. He grabbed his phone, key and some money and shoved them in his pockets and headed out.

The slightly chilly Tokyo air felt good, it wasn't to hot or cold. Feeling hungry and having some time to spare, he walked down into the busy food district and looked for some meat buns, his favourite food since childhood.

At first he thought it was just a illusion, but then he saw them. A group of very familiar men, in the distance, laughing, joking. Hinata's heart stopped as he realised who they were.

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