Twenty eight.

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   Louis bent her head. She went dumb. Her eyes fixed on Anita, it was difficult to watch her blackmail Loretta. But she seemed to be at  climax in her enjoyment. She laughed wickedly each time she reveals an  irritating secret.

   She was mad but wasn't sure of who or what exactly caused it. While she thought it was Anita, for being such a bitch. Why did she ever think she could get her back by hurting Loretta?.

That night at the club, She did say she would fight for her love, Louis never would have guess it will include getting rid of Loretta and everyone around her.

She recalled when they first met. Anita Vegas. She was the prettiest of all being Louis had set her eyes on. She was innocent and naive. She was so harmless, she had so much cherubic qualities.

   She loved her. She was a submissive lover. She was an exception. They hung out frequently and Anita was faithful until two years back.

She tested positive to pregnancy. Louis was shocked to realise she hasn't been so faithful after all. She hated her from that moment. she wasn't fine, but she acted like she was and moved on.

  After two years, Anita reappeared into her life. That night she didn't mean to abandon Loretta. But she had to make sure Anita didn't get to meet her. She tried her best. She really did. She hated being sorry!, but she was . she was sorry for causing her so much pain.

   "I knew she was cheating. I knew she was having an affair. I knew it was Loretta the moment I saw them walk in holding hands like love birds."

Her gazed dropped on Loretta. 

"I knew she rejected me because of this Slut!" 

  " Then bingo!, I thought  of getting rid of her".

  " It would have been just her. But I changed my mind. after discovering she was a player."

   Anita Smiled. She didn't feel she was wrong. She had grown so fond of Louis, or maybe possessive of her she wouldn't stand the sight of her with another girl. She loved her that much.

  She was only fighting for what was hers. She knew she could stand a better chance the second Loretta looses the game.

  Her plot to destroy Loretta began after she met Louis at the club. She tried to tease her. She used the wand of the love they once shared,  but it seemed to have displace its magic.

She felt dejected. She pleaded. She wanted to explain things. To tell her she never cheated. To tell her she was raped. She wanted to tell her she got rid of the baby and almost lost her life but had to fight cause she needed to live it with her.

Louis ignored her. She shoved her. she hated her. She suddenly didn't care. It dawn on her that she had lost her love to another.

  She was not going to be a loser the second time. She chose to fight for her love even if it would cost her life.

  Anita did a follow up on Loretta. She monitored her every moment and took note of everyone she loved.

  She hadn't Initially planned to kill Sam on that day. It was probably is death day. She followed Loretta after she slapped Diego and  stormed out. She was so convinced the two had a thing. She had countlessly seen them together at the hospital.

Right after Sam dropped her off. She followed him home where she ended him. It was to snatch Loretta's love. An eye for an eye.

  She went after Diego when it seemed like Sam was a  wrong bird .But she realized Loretta would rot in jail without Diego,then came the change of mind. She needed to Kill her with her hands.

    She Didn't mean to shoot at Cynthia. She had gone there for Kelvin. It was just to cause a little distraction. To use him as a bait to get her fish into her nest.

Cynthia hid him. She refused to let him out. They had a little struggle and she shot her.

She was too determined to leave the house. she hid and waited for Cynthia to be taken away. But she never saw kelvin.

Of course kelvin was out. It was his first time going that far. Cynthia had decided to heed his pleas by letting him walk to the next street to get a pack of quaker oat. He had happily hopped back to announce his  safe and sound journey when he heard gunshot.

  He slowly opened the door and peeped inside. Cynthia gradually fell to the floor after receiving  a bullet from someone he saw running into Loretta's room.

   He remembered he had a phone with him. It was Cynthia's, she had given him for emergency purpose. And it saved the moment.

   Loretta placed her hands on her head. She was the cause of everything. Cynthia was right. she has been a little too obsessed with "hating the opposite sex thing" that she Lost focus of want she really wanted.

  Sam was gone, Cynthia was at the verge of life and death. It didn't seemed like Diego still loved her. Not after discovering she has been a lesbian all along.

  It was her greatest. To be like her father. She ended up being worse. she bent her head. She was so ashamed of her Self.

It didn't matter how Louis would feel, or maybe it did, but she would ignore it. She was done having weird affairs. she was done being a lesbian.

She hoped it wasn't too late to make amendment. It would feel like starting all over but she didn't mind.

She would have to do what every other girl does. Not all men are like her father. Some are good, others bad and the rest worse.

   she hoped Cynthia would consider forgiving her when she finds out she caused everything. Especially her being a lesbian part.     

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