1: Cloud Nine

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Hadley Lamontagne was deep in thought as she entered the building of her job. Holding her morning coffee and box of donuts. Now this girl's job came with lows, many lows, but there were definitely some highs too. And all she could focus on in that moment was one major high in her life. Working as the head csi investigator for the FBI's Bau, Behavioral Analysis Unit, led her to some of the best friendships she's ever had. It even led her to what she considered to be, the best thing that had happened to her. That being a special boy named Spencer Reid. He was incredibly smart and equally as sweet.

"Hey mamas, you ok?", Derek Morgan asked as he walked by holding case files. This caused Hadley to snap out of her beautiful, but distracting day dream she was previously stuck in. Standing in front of the elevator, she quickly raised her head to her co-worker and chuckled.

" yeah, I'm ok. Always Derek you know that", she replied while a smile made its way to her face.

" Alright girl, if you say so.", The darker skinned man said as he exited the room, shaking his head fondly.

The girl continued on her way to her office with a smile on her face and a bounce in her step. Even if one of her legs was partially metal. About 8 months ago Hadley had met one of her lows. She and her boss, Aaron Hotchner, were involved in a bombing, during a case. He only suffered from some cuts and bruises along with temporary hearing loss. While the girl permanently lost the lower half of her left leg, after they had to perform an amputation. After seeing what wasn't a part of her anymore caused her to lose confidence in herself, which she was now working on daily, even months later.

But that was the furthest thing from her mind as she finally made her way to her office. Fumbling with her cup of coffee, box of donuts, and now the keys to the office she sighed, Going to set her things down. But before she could make her way down to the floor with her goodies she heard a very familiar voice.

"Hey, Hads let me help you with that", Spencer had said using her nickname. She turned, excited to see her new boyfriend. Spencer was visibly excited too, as he had a growing smile on his face and was doing a cute jog in her direction.

"Thanks Spence really," She said as he finally got the door opened with her keys.

"Of course babe," the taller man said.

Hadley smiled at the use of the pet name from her boyfriend. She was glad her back was to him, as she had heat starting to rise to her cheeks, causing them to go pink. She finally set her donuts down on her desk, which was set up off to the right side of the room, making room for some of the forensic machines she needed to do her job.

Finally she took a sip of her coffee, glad it was still nice and warm. Stabilizing herself on her desk she twisted around, to see Spencer standing there, never taking his eyes off of her.

They made eye contact, his hazel ones and her green ones met, as they smiled enjoying the moment. To anyone else it would appear awkward but neither of them felt that.

Breaking the silence Hadley said, "Ok, so I got you a donut, and yeah, I know what you're thinking, wow she's sharing her food even though she doesn't ever do that, it must be my lucky day." Adding in some dramatic hand gesturing she turned, her long loose waves whipping around with her. Grabbing the box she then took a couple steps towards her man. Spencer just smiled as he watched his slightly chaotic girl genuinely enjoying herself.

Opening the box she pointed to the chocolate frosted sprinkled donut. "This one is yours."

"You got my favorite", He stated after a cute gasp escaped his mouth. He took a bite as soon as he grabbed it out of the box. He quickly chewed and swallowed, "Thanks hads it great ."

She smiled happy that she made him happy and adoring his almost childlike wonder. But before She got the chance to say anything more, Jj moved her way into the doorway crossing her arms.

"Sorry to break up the party here, but we have a case and it's a doozy," The blonde woman said, the slight worry apparent in her expression. She turned heading in the direction of the briefing table.

Spencer started heading out waiting for his girl when he reached just outside the door. She walked through sipping her coffee. She carried her donuts in the unoccupied hand of course, but she also had one in her mouth indicating she was rushing out of the room. Spencer shut the door behind them then caught up with his partner. Who had somehow managed to finish the donut that was in her mouth. Spence didn't question it though as they walked side by side.

After taking yet another sip of her coffee, Hadley stated in a hushed tone," I had fun on our date last night by the way."

"Y-you did?" he relied almost sheepishly.

"Of course I did, there was food," she said in a joking tone.

They both Chuckled enjoying the moment yet again, as they reached the briefing room, which held the round briefing table. From afar Emily Prentiss and Penelope Garcia stood side by side almost in aw at the obvious couple they worked with.

Penelope took a breath before saying." They are so cute, they're obviously together, right?"

" I don't know, but they seem to be on cloud nine." Emily said with a smile, happy for them but avoiding the gossip.

The team finally all made their way to the briefing room and sat down. They attentively listened to Jj announce the case, proceeded to bounce a couple ideas off each other until, Hotch stated, "wheels up in 30." eager to go save the children from New York. 


 Here's my first ever completed on shot!  Make sure to check Evangeline_91. Hadley is her character! She has a couple Criminal minds based books and she's my #1 supporter! <3


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