2: Fire

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I finally managed to rise to my feet after some struggle. Annoyed that my prosthetic limb was making this even more difficult. It also added a slight bit of extra pain. my head was already throbbing and my ears already ringing. Ignoring all of that I raised my head to the burning building that towered above me. From what I could see through my blurred vision, the building wasn't gonna survive and neither would anyone in it. Tears began to well up in my eyes not only from the smoke that traveled through the air, but also at the sudden remembrance that my whole team was in there. After stabilizing myself, as quickly as possible I stumbled my way towards the flames. But something held me back. It wasn't just my physical restraints, it was as if a force was holding me against my will. it kept me from saving my co-workers, those who quickly became my family. I began to panic, thoughts rushing through my head making it hard for me to do anything. The welled up tears finally began to stream down my face. My breathing rapidly increased.


There in the apartment shared by Hadley and Spencer, laid their shared bedroom. The girl's small frame shot up out from beneath their soft burgundy blanket. Her breathing was just as rapid as it had seemed to be minutes before.

"Hads are you ok?", her boyfriend asked from the side of her. His voice was deep and filled with sleep

"Um- y-yeah I think so. Sorry I woke you.", she said in between deep but shaky breaths

"Are you sure?", he asked as he rose and sat up next to her. Running his hands through his almost shoulder length hair, he made a mental note to get a haircut soon.

Finally able to breathe normally again she reassuringly replied, "yes, I'm ok. It was just a bad dream I guess."

After taking a quick glance at the clock that sat on his bedside table, Spencer allowed himself to lay back down. His head softly hit his pillow and his eyes began to close again.

"Come, lay back down with me, we have a couple hours before we have to get to work."

Hadley turned to see her boyfriend laying down on his back. As he held his arms out for her, his eyes now completely closed. She let out a light laugh, thankful that her handsome man could already make her feel so much better. Her bad dream now a distant memory for now, she proceeds to finally curl up in Spencer's arms. She laid her head down on his bare chest. The rhythmic sound of his heart beating relaxed her. She then felt the slight vibration as Spence hummed. In response Hadley looked up toward him. They made eye contact as soon as she did.

"Babe, are you really sure you're ok?", he asked again, "you have tear marks on your face" he stated, bringing his free hand up to her cheek.

He gently began to whip them away with his thumb. And Hadley realized she must've actually cried while she was still dreaming. She began to reflect on her nightmare after that. She still allowed herself to smile though, letting the worried boy know that she was ok.

"Tell me about it Hads.", he said after noticing that his girl was still caught up in her so-called bad dream. His profiling skill comes in handy in situations like these and he appreciated that.

Hadley listened and told him all about her dream, a bit hesitant at first. As she described her feelings throughout it, they snuggled closer together because the room began to get chilly. Caused by their bedroom window being opened, letting in the early morning breeze. After She finished up, Spencer proceeded to assure her that everything was ok. They just laid there afterwards the calm girl running her hands through his hair. They felt so relaxed as if nothing could disturb them. But that was cut off by the blaring ring of the alarm clock. Hadley stood up after she let out an annoyed sigh.

The two proceed to get ready for work, making sure to grab their badges and guns. They made sure to lock up before they made their way to Hadleys car. The girl got into the driver's seat preferring to drive. Spencer sat in the passengers next to her, resting his hand on her thigh as she drove. All was quiet until his phone rang. He peared at the callers ID and read that Garcia was calling.

He hit the accept call button and said, "Hey Garcia, Hads and I are in the car together, I'm putting you on speaker.", he did what he said he was going to do and then quickly said, " ok, go ahead."

"Hi guys, Hotch wanted me to tell you guys to hurry up. We're dealing with a rapidly escalating arsonist. He has reason to believe that many people are in danger. So, you guys have to leave as soon as possible to get to Los Angeles." She said in one breath

" Ok, we're on our way now." The man said matter-of-factly before hanging up. He looked over at his girlfriend, as she looked at him taking her eyes off of the road for a split second. The knowing look the two shared, told everything they were thinking. Hadley began to worry. A lot more than she normally did before cases. And in that moment all she could do was hope that the line between reality and her dream fantasy didn't blur. 


Hey! again I used Hadley, from @Evangeline_91! Go check out her amazing books <3


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