McDonald's X Subway

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It was cold in the meat locker, making Subway's stifled screams haulted between shivers. "Well aren't you freshly sliced?" McDonald smirked as he looked at the arousing sight. There Subway was with her hands chained above her head, completely bare backed, as a gag prevented her from calling out for help. "Hello, my little McFlurry~"

Tears came from the corners of Subway's eyes, her trembling increasing as McDonald got nearer. His warm welcoming atmosphere created a stark contrast to the cold she felt as he held an ice cube to one of her nozzles. "Shh..." He whispered into her ear. "Customers don't like to be served with frowny faces." Slowly and deliberately he started rubbing her slices of ham, maionase streaming down her legs.

Subway bit the gag to keep from moaning. She refused to give him that satisfaction even if he did think of himself as the customer. McDonald chuckled when he noticed her squirming. "Now, now, just because you're low in calories doesn't mean you get to act so high and mighty." With that he tore off the gag, leaving Subway to bite her lip until it bled. "C'mon..." He whispered again, rubbing her leauttace rougher. "You don't have to pretend.."

"I-... Ronald... I.. I'm lovin' it.." Subway finally whimpered, her moans out of her own control now. "Ronald.. I want your special sauce.."

With another smirk McDonald slid his all beef patty into her seasime seed buns. "Have it your way~" Carefully he prolonged the order's progression to make sure that she fully enjoyed her visit. Her juice box burst only a few minutes before his condiments poured into her.

Subway hung limply and tiredly against him as she caught her breath after panting so hard. "Ronald, you never package your goods." She chided softly. "I don't want to have your kids meal."

Ronald simply laughed before kissing her forehead. "What a scandal that would be. The healthy sub sandwhich baking my chicken nuggets~"

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