÷You just look pretty adorable÷

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   I've read the Flicker fandom Wiki today with the lgbt+ characters and I slay Kiryomi x Melodie 😔👊

   The lights started to flicker, what caused more panic amongst the people.

   They don't know that this is just the beginning.

   Alex groaned and got up from his seat. "Calm down everyone, it's not like the murderer is exactly in this house or anything." Weird but confronting words of Alex calmed others a bit down.

   Eventually, everyone went to sleep. Almost.

    Vinny was practicing his magic in the bathroom, Sabrina gifted Reza with a cupcake, Lara and John were doing something... Strange... And Amani was silently drawing in a corner of the kitchen.

  The clock striked midnight. Most people asleep. It was Amani's time to shine. She grinned as she headed to the living room, where was Jian silently sleeping.

   She pulled out a knife and stabbed him directly in his heart.

   As she knew it would be weird to find a person stabbed directly into the heart just chilling on the couch, she had to think about something. Then she noticed it. The fridge.

   She picked up the dead body of her friend and she placed him on the top of a fridge. Soon she cleaned up and changed her pyjamas into something more casual she found in her bag and cleaned up the place perfectly.

   She layed in the sleeping bag she was given and headed to sleep.

   "Wakey wakey sleepyhead!" Amani was poked in the morning by our beloved Sabrina. Amani looked at her and then started giggling.

   "What's so funny?"
   "It's nothing- You just look pretty adorable." Amani said, not realizing what she just said.

   "I do not plan on listening to your sweet words towards each other." Vinny mumbled as he entered the room. "What do you want, Vinny?"

   Vinny just rolled his eyes. "We have a meet up. Something apparently happened." Amani looked at Vinny confused and then looked at Sabrina, who seemed to be confused too.

   Both of them stood up and followed Vinny to the kitchen. Then it hit Amani. She just sucks at hiding dead bodies.

   "We found Jian dead. The murderer is in this house. Whoever it is, please reveal yourself or we'll have to investigate." Alex said, talking like a born to be a leader.

   Every single person was quiet. It was awkward for Amani until she received a note from Prasiddhi. She kept it in her pocket for the future and waited until they were all dismissed. Too bad, they were kept in. They had to vote someone out. When they are voted out, the murderer has the allowance of murdering them. If they actually find the killer, the killer is forced to commit suicide in front of everyone

   Lara was voted out. Amani is forced to kill her now.

   You received a cupcake!

If you guys expect a lot of romance, you're in the wrong book. Since Flicker is in the genre of Horror, I'm planning to go that way more. But the love will still be there.

Peace out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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