Chapter 11

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Drake POV

I catch the door right before it shuts, both angry and frustrated. I don't get why she's so mad at me. I open the door back up and invite myself in.

"What the hell Ayana?" I let slip out my mouth. She turns back around fuming.

"You have no right to say my name. Just get out!" she yells turning to face me. I can see that she's been crying. I can see the pain in her eyes. I turn around to leave at first not giving a sh*t about checking in on her but I don't move.

"No" I say. I turn back around and stare at her. She glares at me.

"Honey I bought... who is this?" I look at the door to see Ayana's mom. The last time I've seen her was in court. I smile awkwardly hoping she remembers me.
"Drake? Is that you honey?"

I nod "It's me". She gives me the biggest hug.

"How are you doing? It's been so long! Why don't you stay over for dinner? I just bought a ton of food and we won't eat all"

"Yeah we will" Ayana mumbles under her breath but I ignore it.

"Sure! That would be great! Thank you" I smile glancing at Ayana.


"So how is everything Drake? It has been so long!" Ayana's mom, Gracelynn asks.

"Everything is ok. Just came by to study with Ayana. I saw she wasn't at school today and wanted to help her catch up" I answer looking at Ayana. There was this fire mixed with sadness in her eyes.

"Well that great! She hasn't been herself since she started that school." Grace looks carefully, like she's scared to say the wrong thing. Ayana stares directly at her with such sad eyes. I want to just pull her in my arms... what the hell is wrong with me. Why am I all soft all of a sudden?

"May I be excused?" She asks after hardly touching her food. I can see tears forming in her eyes.

"Sweetheart what's..." Ayana scoots her chair out and jogs upstairs, ignoring her mom. Grace sighs and looks to me. "Ever since the incident, I have been trying so hard to get close to her again. She's still so hurt. I lost my little girl" I shift in my seat, slightly uncomfortable with the feelings that she unloaded onto me.

I realize that she did not know about the rape that happened a couple of nights ago, but also know it was not my place to tell her.

"Maybe try and talk to her about what she went through?" I say, not sure how to respond. She nods slowly and gets up, collecting the plates and heading to the kitchen. I would help, but everything was really tense at the moment. I head out the door and go home.

2 days later*

I sit in math class staring at the empty seat next to me. It has been three days since this girl has shown up to school and every single one of those days I have not been able to stop thinking about her.

Would you look at that, my dumb ass actually cares about someone other than myself.

I look down at my phone seeing that there is an hour left in this damn class.

"Hey... sorry I'm late" my head shoots up to see Ayana. She has on an oversized hoodie and some leggings. I feel myself lick my lips. Even in that, she was stunning... her pretty green eyes, perfect little figure, beautiful skin tone...

I quickly shake the thought out my head. I am not here to get into another relationship, especially with someone who has been so hurt. I am not good for her.

Ayana takes a seat next to me refusing to look at me. She takes out her notebook and fumbles around for something to write with. Me being the smooth little sh*t I am, pulls out a pen for her.

"Here" I whisper handing it over for her to take. She looks towards my hand and grabs the pen.

"Thanks" she says; her voice soft and soothing.

After class, I start to walk out; Ayana a couple of steps behind me.

"Ayana and Drake, can I see you both please?" our teacher says. I groan in annoyance, wanting to get a quick smoke in before my next class.

"What's up?" I ask wondering what she possibly could want. It's not like I am failing.

"You are my best student and have the highest grade in this class. Miss. Ayana has missed out on the past couple days and needs catching up. I was wondering if you two can hold a tutoring session. Would y'all be ok with that?" she looks between the both of us. I don't answer because I know what Ayana is going to say...

"Yeah that's fine" I hear the soft tone voice say. I look towards her with shock.

"Great! Ayana, here are some of the homeworks and the quiz you missed. I expect them to be completed by next week before the test"

Ayana nods, taking the small stack of papers and leaving the room. I follow behind.

She turns back suddenly. "My house, 7 tonight" then she leaves. I feel a small smile across my face, but quickly wipe it off knowing that she still had fresh wounds. It was a bittersweet moment.

I head off to smoke with Darren before my next class.

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