Two: Into the Fire

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"You want me to go where?"

"Please!" I begged.

"Okay... walk it back and explain this to me slowly."

I sighed as I leaned against the counter, trying to avoid eye contact with my best friend. Parker lived down the hallway, but we ended up in each other's apartments most of the time. Unless he had a boyfriend, then I only saw him when he came up for air.

"My doctor said I'm fat."

"Girl, you gotta stop letting other people's opinions make you feel bad. You're gorgeous," he rolled his eyes at me.

"You have to say that." I mean, I knew I wasn't ugly, but I always felt like I was being judged for not comparing to modern beauty standards.

"Um no... I don't. I'd tap that if I was into the whole lady business thing." He waved a hand in the general direction of my boobs and 'lady business.' "Okay, so she told you what she told you last year."

"No.Not exactly." I sighed as I took a deep breath and prepared to unload on him.

"Explain." He arched an eyebrow and leaned his elbows on the breakfast bar where he was seated.

"She said if I don't get my shit together, I'm gonna have a stroke or a heart attack before I'm forty." I could still feel tears prick in my eyes as I told him. Knowing that being complacent with my health may have put me in danger.

"Shit." The color drained from his face as he looked at me with concern.


"So she wants you to go to these classes to help?" he asked as he sat up straighter on his barstool.

"Yes. Or a personal trainer, but I don't want to do that again."

He rolled his eyes as we both recalled the last disaster. "Don't let one pig scare you off. Not all trainers are giant douche bags."

I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms on my chest. That was something I wasn't wholly convinced with; I'd met quite a few trainers in the last ten years, and they all treated me differently because I was a big girl.

"I think it's a great idea," he enthused as his grin expanded across his face. "It's gonna suck, but I think it'll be good for you."

"So you'll go with me?" I implored as I tried to channel my best pitiful look.

"Ha!" He laughed hysterically, wiping his eyes before he settled down. I tried to resist reaching across the counter to smack him.

"I wasn't joking." His face fell as he took in how serious I was. I needed him.

"Seriously? Why me? I already go to the gym." The tables turned, and I smirked at the panicked tone in his voice.

"Exactly, you're in shape... ish. You can help keep me motivated." He frowned and sat up, his hands smoothing down his front, his palms lingering over his flat stomach.

"Oh, thanks, it's nice to know I'm in shape... 'ish.' Way to make me feel good about myself."

"Um... I'm forty-five percent peanut butter cups, so you're practically Adonis." We both laughed as I motioned towards my less than flat stomach and referred to my biggest vice. Some people self-medicate with alcohol; I did with chocolate and peanut butter.

"When are you supposed to start?" Parker still didn't look convinced, but he seemed open to the idea.

"Tomorrow?" My voice dropped as I saw the look on his face sour. I knew I'd dropped this on him with little notice, but I knew if I didn't start soon, I wouldn't go.

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