Chapter 5: New plan

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The next morning:

3rd person pov:

Takaba woke up tired since his little fight with Asami. He still didn't know why Asami was not telling him anything about Rika. Maybe after being together for 2 years, Asami has finally gotten tired of him. Takaba quickly shook away the thoughts and hopped in the shower.

Takaba woke up earlier than Asami and decided to make him breakfast like usual so that the atmosphere was not too down. But on the inside Takaba was still in a bad mood. While preparing the food, Asami came out from his room dressed for work and sat down at the table sipping on his tea.

"So what were you upset about last night Akihito?" Asami questioned. Takaba could feel his gaze on his back and simply answered, "just that you didn't call me ahead of time." Asami did not like that answer and stood up and walked over to Takaba.

Takaba felt arms wrap around his waist and flinched. "W-what are you doing!?" He stumbled trying to pry him off. "Tell me the truth Akihito, why are you moody?" Takaba was now annoyed that Asami didn't tell him about the woman he was with last night and shoved him off. Takaba turned around and glared into Asami's eyes. "I saw you last night with a woman." He exclaimed.

Asami just stood there expressionless. "Say something Asami! Who is she and why was she going into your car!?" Takaba raised his voice and Asami came closer. "Is that why your upset? Because I was escorting a woman into my car?" Takaba could feel himself getting angrier and angrier.

"Akihito there's nothing going on between us I promise you. That was a client that wanted her help getting news about her and her man off the news." Asami lied. He wanted to see how much Takaba could take and when he will start wanting Asami to become his only and have open requests.

Takaba opened his mouth about to say something when he closed it again and turned around to finish cooking. "What is it? Tell me what you want to say." Asami said. "There's nothing more to say since you just explained yourself." Takaba answered back. "But there was no reason for her to be going into your car and why you were gone so long and why you smell like a women." He added.

Asami chuckled. "Are you jealous little kitten?" Takaba blushed and brushed his hand off. "Whatever you need to call me from now on and tell me if you're gonna come home late or not." Asami smiled and took his seat again. "Ok I promise to call you for that."

Takaba still couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that was surrounding him but after hearing what Asami said made him feel a little bit better. His suspicions were still getting to the best of him though.

Takaba met up with Mitarai and discussed their plans to catch Rika's "real man" Takaba thought. They headed to the next location which was surprisingly very open to the public. It was an ice cream shop and was packed with couples on dates. Takaba waited in the car as Mitarai went in for a closer look. Takaba knew that this time he wanted to catch this scoop.

Around the corner on the other side of the shop was a black Mercedes and Takaba spotted a woman with a black hat and sunglasses getting out. Takaba quickly got his camera and snapped the pictures. He knew that that was Rika. A tall and lean man stepped out of the other side of the vehicle and Takaba couldn't make out his face but he took pictures. He soon texted his friend and told him he got the pictures.

"Awesome now we can get the raise!" Mitarai excitedly said while hopping back into the drivers side of the vehicle. Takaba soon became happy and forgot about the whole Asami incident. He was just happy that he got the scoop.

That night Asami sat at his office and while going through his files he wanted to do something that would make Takaba give him requests and openly say his feelings. Asami quickly called in Kirishima. "I need you to cover for me while I take my early leave." He said while packing his things.

"Boss what are you thinking of doing now?" Kirishima questioned. Heading for the door Asami answered, " I'm going to have a little fun with my cute photographer." Then he headed out. Kirishima once again did not know what his boss was meaning by that and he just had a bad feeling.

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