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..heyyy. *clears throat*

I know like, this is the last thing anyone who might be remotely interested in my story is gonna wanna hear buttt, this is the final re-boot for this book. I dropped off the face of the earth legit for like two whole years, my bad. But I honestly really had no concept for my previous story, just the ending, which I usually start with, but I didn't know how to get there and I like, waited wayyy too long to come back and fix we're scrapping and packing boys! Any real knowledge of whatever was in the first parts of this story don't correlate at all to the new re-boot.

Basically I'm starting from fresh but if you're interested in the whole soulmates thing still, and you still love Obito Uchiha has much as I do, then this might be the story for you; err, whenever I get around to posting it.

My fanfic is gonna follow the beginning of pre-Naruto a bit and then after a certain point it's gonna do a 180 and everyone is gonna go what the fuck and I'm gonna go what the fuck and hopefully it'll make you chuckle, make you angry, make you keep reading it...but whatever happens, happens, so enjoy.

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