Fat Moon

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(Outside with a cup of tea)
What a fat moon.
I had pancakes today
I miss your pancakes
I can't make pancakes
Or pasta
Or anything
In fact I can't cook at all.
I can make tea
Tea always reminds me of you.
You, fragile little teapot you.
Green tea and honey 🍯
But rooibos was your favourite hey?
I like it too.
Just not so weak you know.
Yours always looked like earl grey, with milk.
Maybe that was it.
I could make tea so you didn't have to.
Only thing you let me do.

I cried in the middle of a massage today because I was late.
The massager gave me an extra 15 minutes because I said I was sorry I was late.
That's all I can say?

Crazy how some tea tastes without milk.
'Bonkers' you used to say.
It looks like a hole.
A bitter, black tea pit.
A tea pit.
Dark and lonely.
Ah, but it doesn't taste too bad.
Smells good too.

The day you -
The day you -
I think my heart broke.
It was like the end
And I had no say
And ever since I've been trying to say things to you but it never seems to be enough.
I'm angry
I'm sad
I'm hurt
I'm terrified
I'm a fucking island
Sinking and screaming under this ocean of tears and fear.
And every time I try and say something I -
I'm sorry.
It's all I've got.
Sorry I failed you
Sorry I let you go
Sorry I never told you how much I love you.
Cheers to you.
(Raises teacup to the moon)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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