The Great White Sharks

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Byul has a new habit; torturing Jin. It always happens every single week, it's like routine. The way she drags Jin into a flea market and spend 10 hours just to look around, watching a inappropriate stand up comedy making him questioning his own humanity just because he laughed, spend 7 hours in a local library making him scolds Byul why she doesn't drags Namjoon instead, and now she drags him to do this stuff with her?

"Come on Jin, please," Byul begged, "No one wants to accompany me."

Jin rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I wonder why." He answered in sarcastic tone.

"They're all scaredy-cat!"

"You asked them to accompany you to swim with a freakin Great White Shark, you dimwit!"

"Oh, come on!" She whined, swing Jin's arm to the left and right like a child.

"I already told you, I can't swim. I didn't think it's a good idea to invite me to go dive with a sharks, Byul."

"You don't have to be able to swim. We will be on a cage."

"No. Leave me alone, Byul."

Byul made an indignant noise and dismissed Jin's protests with a wave of her hand as if swim with a sharks was a normal everyday activity that all people participate in.

"We practicality on a cage, Jin. Thousands of people do it. It's safe, we are protected. The sharks swim outside the cage!"

"No shit Sherlock!" Jin shouted. "No one will do it if those sharks were inside the freakin' cage!"

"See?" she clapped, "You understand the idea right? It'll be safe."

Shit! Did i just encourage her plan?. Jin walk faster, to leave Byul behind. And of course she walk to catch him.

"Come on Jin, it'll be totally awesome."

"Why the hell are you wanting to swim with sharks in the middle of the day?" He asked after a minute of staring at her, dumbfounded.

"Because you're not supposed to swim with sharks at midnight?" She scratched her hair. "Listen, Jin. I'm gonna do it with or without you. The different is, if you don't do it, I'm going to tell Namjoon and Yoongi how cowards you are."

Jin smiled at Byul's crazy logic. He clearly see and hear her blabbing to tell everyone about her tale of shark diving badassery along with the story of himself being just too scared to join her. Of course, he didn't really care about that.

Jin, however, found it extremely difficult to tell Byul no. He doesn't want to make her disappointed.

"Okay, fine, whatever," he sighed at her stubbornness.

"Yey." She clapped and drag Jin to a small building apparently to be a dive center. She wrote their name and pays for it with her credit card.

Guess im going pay for dinner after this. Jin whispers to himself.

The crewman handed them a wetsuits. And points his finger to a small sacks and told them to change their outfit while they prepare the Scuba Gear.

"If we die, we die. It's one hundred percent your fault." Jin gritted his teeth, "If i die and you don't. I'm going to fucking haunts you for the rest of your life."

"We won't die," she said as she locked their arms together just to make sure he wouldn't abandon her at the last second. "It's a promise." she smiles, showing Jin's favorite dimple.

Wait, my favorite what?

They rode a motorboat to the dive site. There's only 5 people on the boat including them, and one instructor. The other are foreign tourists who speaks language that isn't English.

"It's Russian." Jin whispers at Byul when she look confused at their conversation.

After 15 minutes ride, the boat stopped. The instructors helped them to wear their gear. Byul surprisingly wore them herself before she helped Jin with his gear.

"I have Diving License from PADI, i took it last year." She said calmly, still concentrate on Jin's diving gear. Make sure that Jin wore his gear correctly.

The dive begins when five of them entered the cage, and it slowly go down by the crane that attaches to the boat. Once it underwater, someone from the surface pour a gallon of blood near them to attract the Sharks.


Byul remove her mouth piece as soon as they break the surface of the water, laughing triumphantly.

Jin just laughed witnessing Byul this happy and carefree. She looked beautiful.

"See i told you won't die!" she told him.

"Yeah, thank god for that." He acted like he doesn't care, when in fact he's really enjoyed it.

Maybe he was even starting to like her. A lot.

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