The hidden flaws of life

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As John and sera entered the store they noticed that the place was practically empty people just won't coming here anymore and it wasn't just because they didn't want to it was because something was happening and they don't wanna become a part of it. "BREAKING NEWS police have now found the body of the hero x-static in an ally way police are yet to find his Killer but it is suspected to be the organisation known as ember Whom have recently been targeting vigilantes." The news Reporter said as John turned to look to the screen. " Ember" he said a low voice."Are you okay "Sera said Looking towards John who looks like he was transfixed to the screen. "No it's okay I'm just thinking about something "he said in an ominous tone. "Well let's go then "she said as they walk towards a nearby booth it was empty and It showed no signs that someone was here. "Wow the whole place is empty "John sudden shock. The place was usually packed to the brim it's hard to get in here in the afternoons but even so it was the peak of  noon yet no one was in here. "Hi can I take your order "a waitress asked in A kind tone. "Can I get are usual please "John said with A small smile. "Of course Mr John". "And for you "turning towards sera . "I have the same thing he is having ". And with that the waitress left. "So John" she began " Has Arlo done anything towards you" she said in a sinister tone "no but if he does I can run away" John said with a confident smile. "Yeah but you can't use your ability" She said in the Serious tone " how do you even have those powers"She said on the curious tone she Had always wondered how he was this strong " Oh look our drinks are coming" John said trying to avoid the question.

Next day

As John woke up the next day he saw that his hair was messy and his eyes were drowsy it was about noon when he Heard buzzing next to him"uuuhh"He said as you went to get his phone. "Hey where are you" sera said from the other side.

"At home" John said in. Tired voice. He didn't want to go out as he had stayed up all night talking to his family

Thank you for all the support and sorry that took so long to post out so John Will have ban's  immortality but when ever he gets beaten up he uses again a genjustu to make it seem that has beaten up thank you and I'll see you again in the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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