Chapter 4

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I stepped outside, confused. Takahashi followed me out a few seconds later. She had a serious look in her eyes.

Why does she want to talk to me...?

"Akiyasu-kun, you seem to be one of the first people to have made Saki smile that way."

Is that... good?

She answered, almost like she was able to read my mind.

"It was something I wished for her since... since we first came to this school."

I sighed heavily. At least I didn't upset her, but something still felt off about this whole meeting.

"I'm glad. Takahashi-san, was that really what you wanted to say?"

She looked down, seemingly caught off guard.

"Call me Rin... and no, that was not all.."

I knew it. Surely, it's nothing bad, right? Rin seemed to be worried, which was making me slightly anxious.

"The truth is... Saki has been receiving letters for the last week. Except... she has not seen a single one."

I didn't understand what she meant. If she had been getting letters, how does Rin know... and not Saki? I started twitching slightly; this conversation was making me feel uncomfortable.

"Rin-san... I don't understand."

"They were love letters. From a girl. Every single one was paired with a type of red lily. I'm worried for Saki."

As sweet as that sounded, Rin's worry stuck in my mind like a nail. Shouldn't Saki see them? Wouldn't she be happy from them?

"Is that not good..?"

"It seems.. strange. Akiyasu-kun, can I trust you to keep her safe? She seems to be happy when she talks to you. I would not want her to lose that."

"Call me Mako, and I'll try."

I felt like I'd be sick. Rin was her best friend, and the fact that she was so worried for Saki made me wonder if she really was okay. I didn't understand why she asked me, but I knew I had a duty to fulfil.

Rin looked up and smiled gently at me. "Thank you, Mako-kun." She walked back into the class, seemingly in a better mood. I followed her in, still feeling sick.

We continued eating lunch together, talking and laughing. Every time Saki smiled, I melted inside. I couldn't help it, she was just so... amazing. Rin continued reading her book, occasionally looking up and talking about it. I really felt like I was close to these two girls, even though I barely knew either of them.

 Nothing else really happened for the rest of the school day. My classes went on like normal, although throughout my final class I had one question in my mind.

Is Saki really in danger?

But it's just a couple of letters. I'm sure it's nothing.

As I walked out of the school building at the end of the day, I looked around, hoping to see Saki again. She was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she already walked home with Rin? I sighed, feeling more at ease thinking that she was someone she knew. 

It was still raining heavily. I pulled out my umbrella and walked out. 


Maybe I should go and see her?

I decided to head over to her place. I didn't have much else to do, anyway. She also lived quite close to me, so it wasn't like it was too difficult either. On the way, I walked into a store, picking up a cold bottle of cola and some candy of sorts. Maybe that would cheer her up?

About half an hour later, I knocked on Haru's door. Her mother opened the door with a smile.

"Hi Mako! Haru's sick, but you can still see her if you like.."

"Hello, Suzuki-san. I wanted to give these to her." I hold the cola and sweets higher, and let myself in. Me and Haru had been friends for so long, that it felt normal for either of us to just enter each other's homes like we were family. I went up to her bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Haru, it's Mako."

"Mako.. don't come in! I don't want you to get sick!" Her voice sounded groggy, like she had just woken up.

"I'll be fine." I open the door to see a very tired looking Haru lying down on a messy bed. Her bedroom was painted light green, but the walls were covered in posters of various shows, apart from the wall opposite the bed, where she had a medium sized TV installed on the wall. She had a show paused. I took a seat on the bed next to her, coughing as she did. She sat up, keeping her distance from me.

"So, how was school?"

"More or less the same. Are you feeling any better?"

"I guess. Thank you for coming over!" Haru smiled brightly at me, as I resisted the urge to pat her head.

"Here, these are for you." I placed the cola and sweets down between us. She swiftly took the cola and very quickly drank the entire bottle. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks, Mako! You're the best!"

I smiled gently at Haru; at least she was okay.

"How's it going with Maeda-san?"

I was hoping she wouldn't ask. Even the mention of her name made me blush, and I looked away.


"Y-yeah.. it's going okay.. I think."

Haru laughed, and coughed a few times. A tear formed on her eye from the coughing, but she quickly wiped it away.

"All of you boys are the same. Mention Maeda-san and you get crazy embarrassed and whatever. Dude, she's just a girl. Think of her as a friend, like me! Of course, I'll always be your best friend!" She smiles brightly, beaming with pride.

"I guess." I couldn't help but smile at her positivity. I'd always known Haru to be like this, even when she wasn't feeling the best. "Thanks, Haru. Of course we'll always be best friends."

"Anyway, since you're here, how about we put on a movie?" She picked up the TV remote, and navigated through until she found a good looking sci-fi movie. As she pressed play, I closed the curtains, creating the perfect mood for us to watch in peace.

At around 7:30pm, the movie ended. I looked over to Haru, who was somehow asleep sitting up. I guess it was time to leave.

I exited Haru's house, her words still fresh on my mind.

Think of her as a friend.

Isn't that what we are?

I quietly walked back to my home, still thinking about Saki, Rin, and Haru. Isn't it funny how all my friends are girls?

Many guys would kill for this, but honestly, I'm just happy how we are now.

But Saki...

I needed to make sure she was safe.

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