The Journey

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The snow falls quick and fast, coating the mountain in a pure white blanket in the space of a few short minutes. The savage wind blows the snow in my face, blurring my vision and cutting my face. I pull the collar of my coat over my mouth and nose-my ears are an angry red shade, my lips blue and chapped.

My collar scratches against the stubble on my face, results of not encountering a razor in days.

I shiver.

My teeth chatter.

My body shakes.

My fingers are cold and numb: I lost the feeling in my toes a long time ago. The only part of me that's marginally warm, is my inside pocket, where the ember presses against my chest.

I have only one task: get the ember to Ty, or die trying.

With all honesty, the latter seems the most realistic outcome of the two.

I take a black beanie out of one of the many pockets of my dragonskin cloak, and pull it over the unruly mop of my black hair, shielding it from the harsh, biting cold. I carry on trudging through the snow, despite not being able to see two feet in front of me, hoping to see any signs of civilization.

"Out of all the planets in the galaxy",

I mutter angrily to myself, after falling over a large rock concealed by the blanket of snow,

"He had to choose the coldest one to live on."


Hours go by, and it's evident that darkness is approaching- with the snow still falling heavily, and the reminder of wolves and predators on this planet, I decide to find a place to stop, rest and assess the situation.

The mountain that I've been travelling through the past 3 days is big and incredibly tall; it's the tallest mountain on the planet, and also the most dangerous to travel through. There've been rumours of bandits and rebels living in these parts, waiting to strike on innocent victims that stray in their path: I, for one don't believe that nonsense, but that doesn't stop me from looking over my shoulder every now and then, even if I can't see very far.

I stumble over a small cave hollowed out in the mountain side- it's a good place to spend the night and rest for a few hours; I'm overcome with fatigue and tiredness, and this place seems like the best option. I uncover a loose stone from the snow, and throw it into the mouth of the cave; a few seconds later, I hear the dull thunk as it hits the ground. Eager to get out of sight, I throw my backpack in the cave, and climb down the rocks that line the entrance of my hideout.

As my feet touch the ground, I wrinkle my nose in disgust at the putrid stench coming from the cave- the rancid smell of dampness and decaying flesh fills my nostrils, singing the hairs there. I have half a mind to jump out and find another place, but the sound of the wind howling in the background makes me reconsider. I have weapons, and I'm one of the best fighters in the galaxy, but all that's useless against a tribe of three or more, especially if they know the surroundings better than I do.

It's only after I decide to stay, that I realise I can't see a thing- I curl my fingers into a bowl-like shape, and imagine a fireball there, red and bright, illuminating the cave and giving warmth to it's creator.

The second the thought is in my mind, the ball appears, flickering and pulsing. I relish in it's beauty and warmth- it brings comfort to me after hours of being in the cold.

Using the light of my creation, I take in my surroundings: it surprises me to see signs of life in the cave, with animal bones left in a heap by the remains of a fire. I approach the mess in the middle of the cave, and realise the fire had been put out in a hurry, the remains of ash and warmth still present in it's residue.

I hear shallow breathing behind me, approaching quickly and quietly, yet before I can do anything, the person hits me with something heavy and firm, and I pass out on the damp floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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