The Call

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Dr. Ava Paige didn't like what she was hearing. The voice on the other end of the call had been distorted, a clever move on their part. Her fellow scientists were trying to trace the call at the moment, with no results. It's not unusual for the World Catastrophe Killzone Department to receive these kinds of calls, but never have the calls been about matters as serious as this. "Do you understand your assignment?" said the voice impatiently. "No, not really..." Ava admitted. "What's so special about these four kids anyway?" The voice sighed. "They have certain... Powers that could help them grow and become a real threat to people." "And who exactly do you mean by people?" asked the scientist, getting more and more curious every second that this conversation continues. "Good god, how dense are you?!" the voice remarked, sounding a bit aggravated. Ava thought she could detect a faint British accent within the distortion. "You, your neighbor, your mother, your dog, me, my parents-" Oh, still has two parents... "everyone that you know and everyone here at the N-" the voice stopped itself before it could reveal anymore. Okay, starts with an N. Has to be a department or an agency of some kind, Ava thought, grinning broadly. How much more are you willing to let slip? "Is there something that I can call you? Because The Mysterious Voice doesn't really roll off the tongue so easily." Ava requested nonchalantly. The voice hesitated, then, "Just... call me M," it replied, its tone sounding the slightest bit defensive. "Ok then M," Ava replied professionally. "I'll get back to you when they are in our hands." "Yeah, you do that." Ava thought she could detect a slight snicker from her caller, and a chill went down her back. Is she just calling so the W.C.K.D. gets in huge trouble for what they're about to do, and when they turn to M, her and her entire organization have vanished? Have to take that risk, what with the huge sum of money that they're offering, she thought.

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