This is how it's used to be

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I hate my alarm. The second I get out of bed I start to feel very ill. I might 99% of the time not actually be ill. I just get this very strong urge to vomit. But I still get out of bed. Afterwards I start to tremble with my breakfast. I often don't eat very much but it's still pretty important to eat something because if I don't I'll feel an even bigger urge to vomit. Today is an important day because I'll start a new school. The summerbreak is over and I should be prepared enough to do this but, are you truly prepared enough for anything? I guess I'd have to tell you a little bit more about myself before I go on. My name is Lynn. I turned 16 right before the summerbreak. I've got no friends and as you may get already, I am very introvert and doesn't go out a lot. I guess I'd consider myself as a loner, and perhaps kind of a nerd. I study my best to get the best grades I'm able to get. I do theatre and I also sing. The singing part is something most people don't know about me. I guess I'm a perfectly fine singer, not the best, but I'd never tell anybody that I am because I don't want people to expect a lot from me, or to make people mad because they'd think that I was bragging or something. Because I really don't. As you may understand I don't go out a lot. I mean, of course I go to the store or go to the mall sometimes but, I usually stay at home a lot. I've had some boyfriends as well but, me and love isn't a good combination. That's something I've learned through the years. Anyways.
Today is my first day in my new school. I've waited for this moment in 11 years. I'll go on a theatre school in three years. I've wanted to attend this school for so long. I've been dreaming of the first time I'd seen my own class for a long time now. I hope that they're fun, good studying, motivated, and almost as into theatre as I am. But ONLY almost.
This is the fourth school that I've been attending in my whole life. I know a lot about schools. Let me tell you a few things I've learned through the years.
Numer one. There is always one girl (or a whole group) that usually is very mean. To be honest, she doesn't have to be very pretty as long as she's bossy, ignorant and sees herself as a little bit better then everybody else. In some schools the popular boys drools over her and the girls wants to be like her. And in others, the boys drools over her and the girls wants to be like her, meanwhile them all (booth the girls and the boys) hates her and would do anything to throw a sharp rock in the back of her head. You might have been experienced the same type of class scince I who already have been attended three different schools of my life has seen this girl make an entrance in the same amount of school. Odd enough this "popular meangirl" has all of the three times had an "E" as the first letter in her name. Hmm? Will I meet this devil once again? If I were the popular one I'd make sure that everybody loved to spend time with me and I would be nice enough that people would talk to me about anything and that people could ask me for favours and such stuff as friends do. Because instead of being in this little "girl club" I'd spend time with the nerdiest geek to the sportiest nerd to the most fashionable vegan to the "smoking pot and drinking vodka every weekend" dude.
Number two: Something most classes has is different groups of people. What I mean is that everyone can't hang or chat with everyone. I'll tell you about some of the groups. We've got the "nerdy group". This group got two sides. These people could hate the climate-change, be vegans and only shop second hand. These people could also study 24/7, hang out in the school only and sit next to a teacher for lunch voluntary. There could also be a mix of these people in the nerdy group but I think you recognize what I mean. These people aren't mean or bad in any way, just really boring. There's also pretty often two people in this group who's a little bit closer and better friends with each other. We also got the "gamer dudes". This group often includes boys only and sometimes but rarely one girl. And if there is one girl in this group most of the boys in the gamer group got a huge crush on her. And mostly they're bad at hiding it. These people often play between the school-lessons, often on the phone or at a nintendo switch scince the school computers suck. After school they play at home at the computer in the black and red gaming-chairs they've got for christmas. This group is also not bad at all. Mostly they doesn't got a lot in common with each other which is pretty sad, so when they're unable to play they talk about such things as homework or tests. If your class only got one gamer he or she is probably often asleep during the lessons scince this person stayed up all night playing. There is three more groups I'd like to talk about. This isn't a group, it's actually one person. I call him or her "the loner". This person is lonely, often drawing on the lessons, wearing headphones a lot and being just very silent. When you talk to this person he/she could either be very silent or very chatty. This person is sometimes joining the nerd group but often gets left out. This person is very introvert and often either bad or good in school. This person bases all of his or her opinions of his/hers parents opinions and talks about them like gods. This person is very boring to talk to and does only talk about old memories from the past scince nothing fun ever happens in their life these days. Sad but true. There's also the "hot guy group". No, not everybody in this little squad has to be hot, they just need to be either hot, funny, playing in a band or a combination of these things. The clown of the class, the hottest guy and the cute guy is often in this category. These people does not care about their grades AT ALL. And if somebody of them actually does care, it's because they're either rich or got high excpectations from their parents. The guys in this group is often very good at sports and got a very specific music taste. They could be kind to you, but also very cruel. It kind of depends on who you are. The last group is what I'd call "The popular girls". They're often three or more. They always got new clothes every single day and a pretty face. Of course they got a lot of makeup and small little handbags. They either got long lashes and black and white clothes or styled hair and pastellic clothes. I hate this people with my whole heart. Everything they say or do is either mean or mean but in a way of saying it in a funny way. These girls doesn't have to be curvy as long as they got a pretty face but if they are curvy as well they are 50 times as attractive to the boys. These two girls often got another girl in the group. She's not as pretty as them but she's got fine clothes. She is often pretty good in school while the other two are either even better or doesn't give a shit about school. These people talks about fashion, guys and paradise hotel. They either party sometimes/Not a lot or every single weekend even tho we all know that they're virgins they are so picky with guys and loves to tease them. They believe that they got a lot of "guy-experience" but I promise you, they do not. The problem is that I am a little bit like all of these groups. I guess that's why I doesn't really fit in anywhere.
Number three, the teachers. The teachers are ALWAYS the same at every single school. The PE teacher is boring, strict and doesn't care if you bleed to death as long as you've got your workout-clothes with you. The arts teacher is very boring and unclear. He/she is never really happy about your work. The woodwork teacher does never help you if he/she is young. They're just watching over you like a baby-sitter. If he/she is old they're the best. He/she will help YOU even when you doesn't ask for it and be the kindest you will EVER meet. The needlework teacher is always bossy and mean. you'll never get any help with your work and you will have to handle everything by yourself, because we doesn't go to school to learn, are we? The musicteacher does never got any personality. They barely talk. I think they just studied music in they're teen-years with the huge dream of becoming a famous music-artist but sadly they ended up on a shitty school next to the subway instead. They also never helps out. They only babysit us only making sure we doesn't do drugs. At least not in their class. The french teacher is the best. I've only had one in my whole life. She transfered school at the same time as me. I love her so much. She is always kind and helpfull. If you do your homework well she really does show you that you did a well done job and that you're very worthy of the grade you'll get. The math teacher is always a nightmare though. She secretly hates her job but instead of complaining she chooses one student to put all of her anger at. That student is me. Why she picks me? I don't know. Probably because I'm very bad in math but I am really doing my best and she is able to see that but when it comes to me she'd rather be blind. She is acting all nice and sweet though but on the inside she is the devil herself. The science teacher could either be very funny and chatty or very bad at explaining stuff while letting you read the book until you know the periodic system in your sleep. Often he/she is very generous with the grades tho. The social orientation teacher is often very funny and I've only had good ones. You are able to trust them until 100% and if you're doing good or at least try to they will notice and like you for it. They are often very spontanius and they know their powerpoint fully well. They are pretty hard with grades but BELIVE me, if you need to talk, or a shoulder to cry on, the social orientation teacher will be there for you and care about you. The Swedish teacher could be in three different ways. 1. Very tired, sick of students and planning to have a baby just to get rid of the job as a teacher for a month or two. 2. Spontanius, kind and wearing costume. 3. Old, questioning the world and very sick of students and teengers overall. Now when I think of it, the first and the last swedish teacher is very alike but the difference is that the first one hates this job while the last one actually is very passionate about it (but in secret of course). The domestic science teacher or well "cooking teacher" is either very sick of her/his job as well as hard on the outside but tired on the inside he/she is very sensitive. You never cook well enough even tho it actually taste good. Everyday for this teacher is a bad, moody and grumpy day. Or she/he is either passionate about her/his job, loves to see the students cooked meals and love seeing happy faces. It doesn't have to be perfect if you just try it out! Kindness is very important to him/her amd if you drop a cup or plate it's totally fine. No worries! Last but not least the english teacher. Most of them are kind and pretty funny. They think that the job as a teacher is pretty okay. Some of them are trying to be a little bit too much"down with the kids" but it's fine. You can't get the best support from them but hey, they does at least listen to you? It's pretty rare but sometimes englishteachers hate their students. They give pretty fair grades but they love to see a student cry or shaike from fear. They love power and would of course laugh at YOU if you'd pronounce something wrong. I hope that you who reads this never went through this kind of bully teacher.
I really hope that my new school will turn out good. I'm very nervous scince I'm not very good at making friends but everyone in this class is supposed to enjoy playing theatre so I guess we all got one intrest alike already? I just really wish for this class to be funny and kind and most of all I wish that all of these stupid groups will disappear and that everybody will talk to everybody. I also hope for great teachers but as you see on my little kiss here, it's very odd and unique to get an amazing teacher. I don't want to have high expectations. And I really hope that I'll at least Have an AMAZING theatre teacher. I'm so nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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