I'm Only Human

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AN: The Link to the song is above. Enjoy, this is a Snape Centric. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or the song. I only own my plot and my 3 OC's (Aster, Jake, and Trinity).


3rd PoV

Hogsmead was approaching, which meant that everyone was naturally joyful, a perfect escape from the PRISON (aka school). Harry was especially ecstatic because he could finally go without having to sneak in like he did in the past.

With Sirius now a free man and Harry's new guardian, that meant that all forms could be signed by him. Not only that, but Harry heard that a band was playing in Hogsmead for the first time. If his memory served right, they were called To Hell With It, which now that Harry thought about it, it was actually a very ironic name. And the best part was that Remus and Sirius were going to be joining him!!

"Did you hear that the band To Hell With It is going to be playing in a concert??" Hermione asked gleefully. Harry snapped out his thoughts as Ron looked up from his plate, his mouth stuffed with mashed potatoes making his cheeks look like that of a chipmunks.

Harry only nodded, too excited for tomorrow for 1) he was going to Sirius and Remus, 2) he was going to Hogsmead this year within the rules and 3) the band To Hell With It would be playing. From what Harry heard, they were good.

"Mhm. Ife wreafd ofh fhem." Ron responded with his mouth full of food, spitting food. Hermione looked at him in disgust as food was flying everywhere. She shook her head in exasperation.

"Don't they have Lady Lightning the Guitarist, Pirate Master the Drummer, Apocalypse the Pianist, and who was the other guy?" Harry asked, not remember the full details because he only caught snippets of conversations.

Hermione immediately turned on her Know-It-All mode. Good Grief.

"The lead and star singer, Lucifer the Demon. They say that he is really handsome and has an amazing voice like an angel." Hermione explained with a dreamy like look.

Both Harry and Ron looked at her deadpanned, remembering how this was how she reacted with Lockhart the fraud.

"One way or another, I know that tomorrow will be eventful. That's for sure!" Harry proclaimed confidently, hoping that nothing was going to try and kill him, but knowing his luck, it's a 90-10 lose battle.

No one seemed to notice that a certain Potion's Master was absent from the Staff Table. All were too excited about the band playing.


The Next Day

Harry woke up earlier than usually, giddier than usual. He looked at the clock, 6 o'clock. They left for Hogsmead at 8. Ron and the rest of their dorm mates were still snoring away. Ehh, they would get up at their own time.

I'm Only Humanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें