Born Without A Heart

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AN: Hoped you enjoyed the last chapter!! Now I hope you'll like this one. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I only own my OC's and the plot, not the songs or Harry Potter, sadly. This is the song that made me want to write this.

Born Without a Heart by Faouzia


3rd PoV 

The Next Day


As the Golden Trio walked off to the Great Hall for breakfast, they noticed that it was quieter than usual.

Since the Great Hall is naturally loud with the conversations of students it was a bit of a shock to them that the Hall was almost dead silent 'cept for small whispers.

As Harry, Hermione and Ron approached the Gryffindor Table, Seamus, Dean and Neville all gave silent hellos.

When the three were seated, Ron finally asked the popping question.

"What's for breakfast?" Or not.

"What he means to ask is why is everyone so quiet?" Hermione demanded before anyone could answer Ron. 

The said person (Ron) just nodded dejectedly at being told off for food but his mood increased when he saw what was on the menu.

Eggs, sausages, bacon, toast and orange juice. Bloody Beautiful.

"Just look over there, at the staff's table, Professors Snape's spot." Neville point out nervously, not daring to speak over a small whisper.

The trio of trouble looked over to were Neville indicated and their mouths slightly opened in shock.

Snape was sitting there but he had the white streaks that he had during the To Hell With It concert and he even had his hair in the low ponytail too.

But that wasn't the most shocking part.

Severus's hair wasn't even greasy and he was BLOODY POUTING!! Like a child!!

The only expressions the students have ever seen Snape make was a scowl, smirk, a frown or a tight line.


Back at the Staff's Table


Poor Severus was getting pestered by everyone's complements about his new look. Oh, the calamity!!

"Severus, where did you get those lovely white streaks?? They really go and blend with your look." Minerva commented. Sev just gave her a quick glance before moving his head to the side so she couldn't see the slight coloring of his cheeks.

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