The Unfortunate Life of a un consensual family member

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Day 1
It was a Thursday night, The cold pinching my skin as me and my coworker, alastor, headed back to his house with nothing, a disappointing end to the night for not being able to snag even a single deer. 

As we walked, I glanced over to alastor, who still had that creepy porcelain smile, since the day they had met, that smile never faltered, even when I split my boiling hot tea onto his lap, he seemed to take it in his stride, and never got mad at me, he was actually quite a considerate guy.

When we reached his house, he offered to bring me inside for a spot of tea or coffee. and I wasn't about to turn down something hot to warm me up. When we walked in, there was a beautiful blonde woman standing in the kitchen. I didn't think a guy like alastor would even have kids, I mean, he lives in the woods, goes hunting almost nightly and i don't remember ever seeing her in our small town, especially with her looks, you wouldn't be able to miss her.

When I sat down on the sofa, i forgot to take my coat off, which makes alastor glare eerily at me, before the blonde haired girl came walking out with a cup of coffee and tea, handing it to us both before moving and sitting next to alastor. I decided to strike up a conversation with the pretty girl. 

"So" I said, looking her over. "Whats your name? i don't think i have ever seen you around town, especially a girl as pretty as you. dad has to keep pretty harsh reigns so you don't get whisked away huh?"I said, smirking. Tho, alastor didn't look pleased, even through his smile remained. 

"Actually good sir, shes my wife" Alastor said, his grin widening, but the smile never reaching his eyes. I looked at him shocked, and the conversation goes stale for a few seconds, before I tried to break the silence.

"Wow. you like them pretty young, huh Al?" I said, However, this seemed to damper alastors mood a bit, before alastor stood up suddenly, putting his coffee down and looking towards me. "how about i show you my skull collection. I've got a beautiful buck head that I've been working on as of late." Alastor said, moving to walk towards his basement, not before looking at charlie and saying "We'll probably be a while. so don't stay up" Alastor said, and charlie nodded, "alright dear" She said, walking over to alastor, stretching up to kiss his cheek and walking over to the kitchen. 

I quickly followed alastor, not realising the muddy foot steps i left before as we walked. When we got to the bottom, i didn't see any skulls. and the room was quite dark, the only light coming from a single light bulb in the room, making it hard to see, and the light got even worse when alastor suddenly slammed the door. 

"well uh. the rooms pretty dim Al. i can't really see anythin-" i started before i was promptly thrown to the ground, alastor climbing on top of me, his white teeth and crazy eyes the only thing showing up in the dark room.

Just as I was about to react, I was hit hard in the face, blacking out. 

Day 2

When i finally came too, i was sitting in the dim lit basement, my hands tied behind my back and my mouth gagged, I could hear the sound of someone sharpening something behind me, a knife perhaps? i couldn't tell from the sound. but it all became clear when alastor walked around me, holding a knife with a red handle, a golden stag engraved into the blade. 

Alastor leaned towards me, getting in my face as he moved the knife to my stomach.

"you really don't know when to shut your mouth do you" Alastor said, dragging his knife slowly up my stomach and over my chest, Never piercing the skin, similar to how you could skin or gut a deer. I tried to respond, but the gag in my mouth prevented me.

"really, you was just asking to be taken" Alastor said, laughing as he moved away from me and walked around, like a predator circling an defenceless piece of meat. he suddenly grabbed my hair, pulling my head back violently and pressing the knife to my throat. "for months and months i listened and learnt about how pathetic your life was, how your pitiful excuse of a love life was and how none of your family cared about your waste of oxygen. and then, you even agreed to go on a hunting trip with a mentally unstable person. you really don't care about your life huh?" Alastor said, his knife moving to press into my throat more, little dribbles of blood beginning to fall, He leaned forward, whispering into my ear creepily. "its okay tho. for once in your poor excuse of existence will be put to good use. your meat will taste delicious~"

Alastor moved the knife away, moving in front of me again, my heart was pounding as tears welled up in my eyes, staring at the man. 

"how does it feel, knowing that today is the day you will die. i will be the last person you ever see." Alastor moved closer, pushing the tip of the knife slightly against my stomach. "I hope it eats you from the inside, knowing that you amounted to nothing, only to become a piece of meat on my plate, because to me, you are simply deer that i have hunted" Alastor said. 

"A stupid animal that has walked straight into my trap-" Alastor continued, until i heard foot steps walking down to the basement. Alastor heard it too, but it was too late as charlie walked in.

"Al sweety, its like 3 in the morn- What are you doing?" She asked, looking at her husband and then me. I smiled, thinking that i was going to live, she would run and call the police. 

"Charlie-" Alastor said, pulling his knife away and quickly stood up, backing away from her, looking like deer in headlights. i knew that this bastard wouldn't get away with it. he will suffer for thi-

Well, thats what i thought, until she crossed her arms, not looking impressed. "really honey. You're gonna get blood all over the place. i expected better. wheres the man i fell in love with that would hate even a spec of dust on his radio equipment?" Charlie said, sighing. 

Alastor stared at her, utterly confused at the fact she wasn't freaking out at the sight of him about to murder someone. Until suddenly, she had an enraged face, she pointed at him accusingly. 

"listen here young man. i am not about to let you ruin another one of my white chairs. i let you off last time when you 'cut your finger' but not this time buddy." She said, glaring at him. 

Alastor looked even more perplexed. "wait- what- young man- are you not seeing this situation?" He said, completely confused and charlie sighed, her look softening. 

"i'm not the biggest fan of killing. but, i'm sorta happy. i was scared that once you died, we would never get to see eachother again. with me being the Antichrist and all that. but now we can live in hell together!" she said, alastor looked at her. 

"Darling don't put yourself down like that, you're not that bad-" he started, before she interuptted her. 

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