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Name: Hibiki Komori (First, Last)


Height: 144 cm (4'9 he a short boi)

Weight: 37 kg (83 lbs)

Likes: Cute things, flowers, drawing, and oversized sweaters.

Dislikes: Yui, Seiji, fangirls, YUI, loud sounds like gun shots, oh did I mention yui

Personality: Fun, hyper, dark humor, depressed mood

Looks: (like above with a more baby face) Short brown kind of curly hair, He has blue eyes, slim figure and emaciated.

Real parents? -deceased-
Caretaker, Seiji, -alive-
Adoptive "sister", Yui, -alive-

Past: Hibiki was 5 when Seiji found him under a bridge after he ran away from the orphanage, he adopted Hibiki and took him home. Little did Hibiki know that he wasnt there to have a loving home. Yui would blame him for everything that happened. He would get punished; whipped, burned, cut, etc. After Yui was send to the Sakamaki mansion he was left alone. After about 2 to 3 weeks he also had to go according to "father".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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