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For some reason, I can't stop making these kind of stories... or any story that pops into my head. XD Enjoy!



Ezra groaned at the voice. He turned to the sides and yawned to see Kanan standing at the door, a scowl on his face as he glared daggers at the boy.

"Ezra, it's almost noon. You were supposed to be up five hours ago!"

"Sorry, Sorry," Ezra got up and let out another yawn, stretching. "Couldn't really sleep last night..."

"Could tell," Zeb chuckled as he stopped by the cabin. "You were tossing and turning all over last night. Having another nightmare, kid?"

"Sorta..." Ezra winced, climbing down the ladder. "Just... give me time to take a shower and change, and I'll be at the common room for breakfast..."

"Tsk, more like brunch," the Lasat snickered before walking off.

"Just get up earlier next time, okay?" Kanan grumbled and turned to leave.

"Sheesh, why so grumpy today, Master?" Ezra chortled while reaching out for his towel and clothes.

"You're not the only one who didn't get much sleep, you know," Kanan huffed then he headed to his room, the door sliding shut behind him.

"Sorry," Ezra sighed as he stood and watched the man leave before turning to walk to the refresher.


"The kid woke up late," Zeb announced as soon as he got to the common room, where the girls were waiting for the boys to arrive.

"Again?" Sabine growled. "That's the fifth time this week,"

"What did you get from him last night, Zeb?" Hera asked.

"Could only hear him whimpering and crying, like he usually does when he gets a nightmare," Zeb grimaced at the memory. "Wish I could've helped him out, but he looked too shaken up to wake up,"

"You SURE there's nothing else, Zeb?" Sabine raised an eyebrow. "Anything useful or suspicious?"

"Nothing much," Zeb shrugged. "Just the smell of wet dog... or wolf... or..."

"...werewolf?" Hera guessed.

"Hera, could you really think Ezra's a werewolf?" Sabine stared at the Twi'lek with surprise.

"It's highly unlikely," Hera answered with a grin. "but not impossible,"

"That could explain why I could always smell canine in our cabin," Zeb pointed out.

"Since when did you smell the canine scent?"

The trio turned to see Kanan appear from the doorway, his arms folded as he made his way to them. Zeb rolled his eyes at their leader.

"Since you made him bunk with me, duh," he replied, chuckling.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hera glared at the Lasat, both of her lekku suddenly slithering forward.

"He came from Lothal! I thought it was natural because of the Loth-wolves!" Zeb put his hands up in defense.

"Maybe he wandered off to the Loth-wolf den and got some wolf scent around him," Sabine hypothesized.

"No, it can't be," Kanan shook his head. "If it was then Zeb could only smell the scent on the first day. Ezra takes showers every day, so it's obvious that the wolf scent is from HIM,"

"If you're suggesting that he's a werewolf then things should be more interesting around here," Hera snickered. "We shouldn't assume anything, though. We may be wrong, and we might scare him off,"

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