Chapter Two

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Lily was the first to speak as she wanted to get all out in the open, after she had explained everything she took a deep breath and waited while Dumbledore studied all of them over the tips of his fingers, "well it seems as if we have a slight conundrum on our hands, first things first, you have all been transported mysteriously to the future, now before we go any farther I will need you all to sign a magically binding contract in which you will not use any knowledge you find out here when I get you back to the past, also that if I feel it would be best I may obliviate you of knowing that this is the future, do you all except my terms?" everyone nodded yes, and so they were able to sign the contract and countinue with the next important issue, the date, Remus was the one to ask this, "Sir, what exactly is the date?" Dumbledore smiled "ahh, yes I believe that as of right now it is the eighteenth of August the school year will be starting in two weeks, which leads me to the next problem finding a place for you to stay, but first we must change not only your names but your apperances as well, so to start Mr. Potter you will become Mr. Charlus Matthews, with straight brown hair and no glasses and the same hazel eyes, Mr. Black you shall be Mr. Chris Matthews twin brother to Mr. Charlus Matthews, with straight brown hair, yes you may keep the length, also hazel eyes, Mr. Lupin you next, lets see here, ah yes, you will be Mr. John Warren cousin to Mr.s Matthews, with chocolate brown hair, and light blue eyes, Miss. Evans you shall be Lyra Ashcroft, with long straight black hair, we will keep your green eyes, and Mr. Snape you will be Miss Ashcroft's twin brother, Leo Ashcroft, so lets take your hair make it shorter and give you her green eyes, and complexion, there now thats done allow me to think on a place for you to stay" everything got quiet while Dumbledore thought of a safe enough place for the five people of the past to go until the school year began once again "ah yes, I've got it, though she may not be to receptive of the idea at first, now she is going through a terriable loss at the moment hopefully you will all take her mind off of it" he then stood up and went to a basin filled with a light blueish silvery substiance, and waved his wand over it, he then proceded to talk into it they all looked at each other as if he had lost his mind, "Miss Greyson, if you wouldn't mind I'd like a word in my office please" there came a response much to the others' surprise, "yeah, all right but make it quick, because I've got a child with me" and with that a young girl no older than them came and steped out of the basin, a child placed on her hip, brown hair cascaded in waves to her tail bone frameing a beautiful, almost unearthly in a way, face light porcelin skin that held no blemishes, and deep dark emerald green eyes surronded by thick eye lashes, "everyone this is Pheobe Grayson, Miss Grayson these are Miss and Mr Ashcroft, and their friends Mr.s Matthews, and Warren, she barely even nodded in their direction, "what did you need headmaster" Dumbledore smiled at her, "always one to get straight to the point aren't you" she meerly raised an eyebrow at him, "yes well the truth of the matter is, these people have come from the future and need a place to stay, and someone that dosen't know who exactly they are so they can catch them up on the past few years, with out sacrificeing their feelings such as I would" Pheobe's face was emotionless, "Sooo" she said slowly, "you want me to what house five strangers teach them about the future so they don't mess anything up, and then what claim them as family comeing to Hogwarts for moral support" Dumbledore beamed, "exactly right, but you only really have to worry about the Ashcrofts as they will be cousins of yours from your mothers side, is that acceptable to you?" she just sighed and shifted the child higher on her hip, " Do I even have a choice, fine but there will be no funny business or you will be camping in the woods" they all nodded while Sirius and James smirked at one another thinking that they would be getting away with anything, for what could one tiny little underage witch do to them. The headmaster claped his hands together cheerfully, "well off you all go, into the basin" after shareing an uneasy look with each other, one by one the Marauders, Lily, and Severus dissapeared into the misty liquid, before she left Dumbledore set an old withered hand on her shoulder, "I am terriably sorry for the loss of your brother, he was a great man," she breathed lightly, " me to, the funerals on wensday, if you can make it" she then left following the others into the basin, while Albus Dumbledore sat in his chair with a heavy sigh and began to hope that Pheobe Greyson would turn out all right, in the end.

They looked around in amazement, all around them, higher then any of them thought possible were trees for miles, and they stood in the middle of what looked like a clearing, in front of them was a two story house, bright yellow with white trim, it seemed like a simple house. "well follow me then" Pheobe said as she passed them walking briskly into the house, "this is the living room, down the hall is four bed rooms, which means some will have to share, this is the kitchen and off to the side there is the bathroom, and the backdoor is out the washroom, now take a seat because I don't have long to explain everything that has happened so far" and with that they all sat in the living room while Pheobe told them about the Potters and their son, both Lily and James paled at this, when it was over Pheobe went back to planning her brother's funeral and everyone else just sat in shock over the information that they had just recieved, about what had happened in their lives, Sirius had been in Azkaban but broke out last year, Remus had been the Defence Against Dark Arts last year too, Severus had been the Potion Master since ninteen eighty-two, and Lily and James had been married, had a son who at the age of one defeated Voldemort, but sadly he was left orphaned, and was forced to live with his Aunt and Uncle. Severus was really angry, and upset about Lily being married to his tormentor, Sirius was shocked that he aperrantly went so bad that he actually went to prison, Remus was excited that he had a chance at a good job, even if it was only for a year, James was exstatic that he finally was able to get the love of his life, his Lily-flower, Lily was sitting there stock still, completely shocked that she married an arrogant toe rag for one, that her poor baby boy was practically alone in the world, she left her child alone, it was the one thing she swore never to do, but she did it. There was a crash from the kitchen, the five of them, brought out of their thoughts, rushed foward hopeing everything was alright, Pheobe stood leaning against the counter a hand over her mouth trying to keep the sobs from leaking out while symontaniously blinking back tears that threatened to spill over, on the floor laying in pieces was a statue, well what was left of one anyways, the little boy she had been carrying around was sitting very still by the back door playing with toy models of diffrent Dragons. Lily, the most compassionite of the five steped foward and wrapped her arm around the small fourteen year olds shoulders, "Its alright, we can fix it, what is it for anyways?" Pheobe's shoulder's shook with repreased sobs, she took a couple of deep breaths, "It was the first present my older brother gave my for my birth, it was an extremely rare dragon statue, and now, it..its..ruined" a sob broke through slightly, "I was going to put it out for his..his funeral" she shuddered once more before looking down tearfully at the once magnificent statue, Lily rubbed her back soothingly, "We can fix it don't worry, and I'll help as much as possible, with all the arrangements,"

"Us to" James spoke up, the others nodded their agreement, Pheobe gave a watery smile, "I'm sorry to be blubbering like this, I actually hate crying, lets get to work, shall we"

Over the next few days, they releized just how true her words were, and saw the strength that she possesed, after that one day they never once heard or saw any signs of her haveing cried, and definantly never in front of them. She worked herself to near exaushten, from talking to the ministry, (their disgises worked great) picking the casket, flowers, headstone, getting school things for all six, and takeing care of her the little boy they had learned was her nephew, and god-son, his name was Caelum, and with hair just as dark as hers, with slight curls to it, and bright blue eyes, he could have passed as her son, and even with all the help from everyone it was obvious that the strain was takeing its toll on her, the night before the funeral she was lucky to get maybe three hours of sleep, and was up with the sun, cleaning the house, and makeing everything perfect for the funeral.

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