Dark Side (Young Justice fanfic)

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Hey guys! This is the third story about Young Justice and Charlie.

If you would like her description go find my other story 'Christmas?'

I would love some constructive criticism so please leave a comment on how you liked it. I could also use suggestions for more stories.

Thank you guys for reading!!! Enjoy!!!
   The Team's beta squad (Batgirl and Nightingale) had just gotten back from a successful mission. They stopped the Joker from releasing Joker Venom into basically all of Gotham.

   The two were now sitting around chatting with random League and Team members.

   "So how'd the mission go?" Impulse asked.

   "Almost disastrous," Nightingale replied.

   "Yeah," said Batgirl continuing. "We were three minutes from the Joker releasing crazy gas all over Gotham. Ha ha-," the laughing was cut off by her hand covering her mouth.

   "What's so funny?" Nightwing said walking over.

   "Ha ha, it's-it's nothing, ha ha, really." Nightingale suddenly slammed her hand over her mouth trying to contain her giggles. Barbara was soon doing the same.

   "Guys, come on, be serious for a second," Nightwing said becoming suspicious.

   "We-ha ha-we are-haha," Barbara explained. Nightwing slowly walked away from the two. The rest of the people in the room turned to stare towards the two Proteges.

   "hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the eerie laughs became louder and louder. The girls were shaking in laughter.

   "Nightwing, grab them!" yelled Batman from across the room.

Nightwing lunged at them but before he could Nightingale threw a smoke bomb. As the smoke cleared the two girls were gone.






   It had been a couple hours since the girls went crazy and left. Both the League and the Team had made their top priority to find them.

   Batman walked into the meeting room of the watch tower.

   "Nightwing, pull up Gotham News," Batman said calmly.

   The boy obeyed and typed a few  things on the holographic computer and then the screen popped up.

   'Tonight on Gotham News, a string of robberies throughout the city. Five banks have been robbed so far. No evidence has been left behind and the local police have no leads besides knowing that there are two robbers. No patterns have been seen in their locations. They were all in random points in Gotham. We would like the people of Gotham to know to not panic but be careful. The police do not know if these two are armed or what they are fully capable of.' Then the screen disappeared.

   "When on the mission Batgirl and Nightingale somehow inhaled a chemical mix of Joker Venom and Poison Ivy's mind control gas, but I found a pattern in their robberies, the police just haven't seen it yet,"  Batman said. "Their next stop will most likely be at Wayne Enterprises, and I've already made the antidote."

   "Who will need to go and try to catch them?" asked Rocket.

   "Quite frankly, all of the League and Team need to be standing by," Robin said. "While they might not be able to fight us head on, bat kids tend to have a niche for escaping difficult situation."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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