All right cut it out!

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I was severely damaged and slow.

If I could only get to his soul I could end this now.

My fingertips dug deep into my eyesockets until they bleed and drawn the strings. Outstretching my arm to the Creator.

The string flew through the air and strung him up.

"Sorry I had to leave you hanging there buddy, but I don't have time to deal with you. Toodles!" I call out behind me as I continue destroying the AU.

I couldn't end him. I'm shook. Why wasn't my strings able to grab his soul? This requires further observation.

I should be able to grab anything with my strings. I don't know why it's doing this now. Maybe Sensei 404 will know.

I took the Frisk entity soul and proceeded to terminate the AU after stringing up the rest of the monsters of this universe.

"Just another day." I sang as I swung the soul around in circles on its string chain.

Draining the soul of it's determination and letting it regenerate only to hang it up with the rest of them, the despair must be bothersome.

I decided to pop in on my teacher and surprise them.

"Hey Mr. 404!" I yell jumping through the portal.

"Oh wow you're actually drinking a Capri Sun?" I asked shocked myself. My teacher also unfortunately squeezed the drink out all over him. It drained from his nose bone and wet his pants that made it look like he had a bloody accident.

"What have you done!!!" He shouts.

"It's all posh, I'll just get napkins. Hold on a wee second thar'." I say hoping I annoyed him as I ran to the bathroom to get paper towels.

"'ere ya' go." I giggle handing the towels over to him. He was real mad.

"Shoo. Go back to the anti-void before I kick you there." He growls swatting me away.

I waved and sashayed into the portal before showing my teacher that I had taken his case of Capri Suns.

He'll be getting this back.

I drank all of them feeling that odd sensation of being stuffed and then threw the empty case and packaging through a portal over my teacher's head.

Heheh eh. I'm in danger.

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