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(Three weeks later, Sgt. Mjr. Chris had already recover from the gunshot injury. He is back into action again, continues with his good works. He receives numerous awards from the State Government, he just got promoted from Sergeant Major to Inspector of Police for saving the Governor's daughter from the hands of kidnappers. Two months gone already, he becomes a role model to many people in the city that made people nickname him "Hero of the City". People began to wonder how he was able to handle six different crimes in just two months. Because of his heroic deeds he began having numerous enemies that tried tracking him down but he would always slip from their hands in no time. His smart ways of fighting crimes inspired so many people. With all these he still remains humble, friendly, generous and respected in the city).
(At Mr. Ekong's house, he is listening to a 4'o clock evening news).
BROADCASTER: (reads the news) The newly promoted police officer Inspector Christopher Uchechukwu has been called by the Commissioner of Police of the state to help investigate the murder of the wife of Dr. Adebayo Faruq who was raped and burnt to death by arsonists in order to destroy any evidence.
MR. EKONG: (soliloquizes) My God!. Some people are very heartless. How can someone rape and murder someone else's wife through arson. God, where is this country going to?. A sinner cannot go unpunished but why will someone commit a crime and still have the guts to walk freely on the streets? (reminisces how his deceased wife died in a car crash. A knock is heard on the door). Who is there?!. (no response) I said who is at the door?!. (still no response. The knock is heard a second time) Who is at the door?!. (walks to open the door) Ah!. Baba!. I was asking who was at the door no one answered. I didn't know it was you.
LANDLORD: (responds sarcastically with a frown) I should tell you I'm the one at the door, so you'll find a way to escape and not pay my money right?.
MR. EKONG: (responds) No, Baba. It's not what you think, how do you expect me to escape when you're already at the door?. I can't disappear. Even if I want to escape, I would have done that long ago.
LANDLORD: (cuts in angrily) Spare me all those grammar!. All you said just now is none of my business. Where's my money?! (no response) I won't repeat myself again!. Where's my money?!.
MR. EKONG: (scratches his head) Baba, I don't have your money yet!. I tried my best to get the money as you know since when I lost my job I haven't got a better job yet, since I just started as an Uber driver still I'm not able to get enough money. I'm managing to feed to myself and my son for the past few weeks now. Baba!. It has not been easy for me and you know it too. I also tried getting the money for you today as promised but to no avail.
LANDLORD: (becomes impatient) Mr. Akon or Mr. Ekong or whatever you're called. I'm getting my money today, I don't care how you'll get me my money if not you're leaving my house today!. I've empathized and patient with you enough but it's now getting out of hand. You seem to be taking my patience for granted. I've had enough of that already!.
MR. EKONG: (goes on his knees) Baba!. Please give me this month, I promise to pay your house rent before month end.
LANDLORD: (flares up) That's what you keep saying every time I ask for my money. But still you fail to keep your promise. I've heard enough of this your drama!. I give you two days!. (does the gesture of figure 2 with his fingers) Two days!. I'm not supposed to come here to ask for my money on the third day. And if I come here and I still don't have my money on that day, You'll regret it. Let heaven fall that day, I don't care!. (exits without hearing what Mr. Ekong has to say).
MR. EKONG: (bemused) God, what do I do?. Where do I get ninety thousand naira from in two days?. I have tried so hard to make more money in this business but it seems more difficult than I thought. Why are these things happening to me?. (buries his head in his hands)
                             (At Kelly Hospital)
NNENNA: (at the reception) Good morning, nurse. Please tell Dr. Kelechi that I'm around.
NURSE: (responds) Good morning , ma'am. Dr. Kelechi is attending to some patients at the moment. Can you please wait a moment?. (Minutes later. The nurse picks up the telephone, dials the doctor's number) Hello, doctor. (Dr. Kelechi responds) Mrs. Nnenna is here. She seeks your audience. Can I let her in now? (Dr. Kelechi responds) Okay sir. (drops the call) You can go in ma'am. (Nnenna walks to the doctor's office. Knocks on the door).
DR. KELECHI: (responds) Come in ma'am. (Nnenna opens the door, Dr. Kelechi teases her). Madam Inspector! (chuckles) The only wife of my very good Inspector. (Chuckles loudly) Good morning.
NNENNA: (with a broad smile) Good morning, doctor. (Shakes hands with him before sitting down) I came to your office two days ago but I was told you were on a short leave same thing happened yesterday. I called your phone but it wasn't going through.
DR. KELECHI: (responds) Yes, that's true. I had to just go on a leave because for the past three months I had so much work at hand. Ever since then, I did not have time to rest, no enough sleep. At times, I would sleep in my office for weeks without going home. It has not been easy, immediately I realized the work wasn't much I had to take a leave for three days, switch off my phone and just be alone with my wife at home because she has also been complaining of my heavy schedule. You know as a doctor if I don't take care of myself, you know what would happen to this hospital and the criticism that would rent the air.
NNENNA: Yes, of course I understand. I hope you're back from your leave now?.
DR. KELECHI: (responds) Yes, my leave ended yesterday. And I'm back to work again. (Adjusts his chair) So how may I be of help to my "Madam Inspector?".
NNENNA: (smiles) I am here to see you because I've been experiencing some kind of headache for the past few days, not really headache though. Like a migraine and it makes me worried.
DR. KELECHI: (responds) That's because you've been stressing yourself too much lately despite your condition.
NNENNA: (explains) What can I do, doctor?. Since when my husband left for his job, I've been the only one doing everything in the house from cleaning to cooking to laundry, just everything. You know little children too, as I'm trying to tidy up everywhere before you know it, my son has turned the whole house upside down. He is just too stubborn, he is not helping matters at all. It is very unhygienic to leave the house untidy.
DR. KELECHI: (takes a deep breath) You know what to do?. Call your younger sister to help you with house chores till when you put to bed. I think that would be better.
NNENNA: (responds) Doctor, I would have done that but she has gone back to school. She has to go so I let her go.
DR. KELECHI: (ponders) Why not get a housemaid then?.
NNENNA: Actually, in my first month of pregnancy. I was still very strong and felt I could still handle things in the house but I didn't know it would be this stressful for me. I thought it would be like when I had my first pregnancy.
DR. KELECHI: (advises her) Nnenna, pregnancies are different in some women. The way you felt when you had your first child might be different from now. As you can see it yourself already, don't you feel some kind of things you did not feel in your first pregnancy?.
NNENNA: Yes, doctor. That's true. I've noticed I feel easily tired since when I conceived this second child. It's different from my first.
DR. KELECHI: You have to find something to do about this then. It won't be wise for me to prescribe a drug for you that might be of harm to your unborn child. What I would advice is make sure you're stress free, you can reduce the way you handle the house chores. Don't do more than your strength can do. After all, it's just you and your son in that house. No one will complain if you don't do this or that.
NNENNA: Thank you doctor. I will think of what to do. (glances at her wrist watch, it is 9:47am already). I have to go now, doctor. I have an antenatal class to attend to in few minutes time.
DR. KELECHI: Okay, just remember what I told you. (Shakes hands with her).
NNENNA: I will, I promise to stay stress free till after I've given birth. (Bids him goodbye)
DR. KELECHI: I'm happy to hear that. My regards to my Inspector and my little boy.
NNENNA: (responds with a smile) They'll hear. Thank you so much. (Exits)
(In Inspector Christopher's office)
INSPECTOR CHRIS: (talking to Nnenna on the phone) Sweetheart, I'm really sorry for not calling you regularly as I should. I have so much work at hand, too many heavy schedules. I'm really sorry, my dear wife.
NNENNA: (upsets) Tell me when last we talked on phone, the last time we talked was last week. We talk once in a week which is not supposed to be so. If I want to call you, you'll tell me not to bother that you'll always call me. It's unfair darling, it's so unfair!.
INSP. CHRIS: Darling, I know you're angry with me for not calling as I am expected to but there are lots of things here to handle. I'm sorry and I promise to make it up to you.
NNENNA: You promised you'll be home two months ago but you didn't. When I said I was coming to live with you with our son, you refused now see what I'm facing. I haven't seen my husband for almost six months now.
INSP. CHRIS: (responds) Darling, yes I refused because you can't just leave your job and follow me to the city where you know nobody. Besides, this my job is very risky and everyday my life is always on the line whenever I go out there to fight. I can't afford to risk your life and that of my son and our unborn child. I promise to make it up to you, okay?. I'm really sorry, darling. I'll be coming home very soon, this time I'm for real.
NNENNA: (calm) I've heard you, honey. I must not be disappointed this time so I won't ask when you'll be coming.
INSP. CHRIS: (in a slow voice) You shouldn't talk like that. I'm serious and I won't disappoint you. How's my baby doing, hope it's kicking well?.
NNENNA: (chuckles) Yes, your baby is kicking and it's missing daddy.
INSP. CHRIS: (chuckles loudly) Don't worry, tell my baby that I'm coming home soon. How's my boy doing too?.
NNENNA: (laughs) Your baby has heard you already. Philip, is giving me so much headache. He is always asking of you, he won't let me rest.
INSP. CHRIS: (smiles) I miss you all too. I cross my heart, I'll not disappoint you this time around.
NNENNA: If you say so. I won't say more than that.
INSP. CHRIS: I have to go now. I want to take care of some things here. I love you honey.
NNENNA: (responds) Okay, love you too darling. Take care, my regards to Mr. Richards.
INSP. CHRIS: Of course, he'll hear. Talk to you later. (Ends the call)
(Days later. A knock is heard at the door)
INSP. CHRIS: (responds) Come in!. (Sgt. Richards enters gives him his complement due him) Yes, Sgt. Richards, what can I do for you?.
SGT. RICHARDS: (speaks slowly) I just got an information that our undercover agents have found out the hideout of those drug traffickers.
INSP. CHRIS: (jumps from his seat in excitement)
What?!. Really?!. Where's their hideout?.
SGT. RICHARDS: (explains) You know we've been trying our best to track their location for months now but we got nothing. We've discovered that they are in a small remote village here in Punson city.
INSP. CHRIS: (taps Sgt. Richards shoulders in excitement) Wow!. So they've been in this city all these while?. But I'm suspicious of something, how did those our undercover agents find out their hideout in just three weeks?. Is it that easy?.
SGT. RICHARDS: (responds) You know our boys are working with them discreetly, one of them told me after few weeks of peddling they have to transport and hide their goods in the warehouse. They were taken there today and found out their real location.
INSP. CHRIS: These bastards are doomed today. Let me make a call through to the Chief Superintendent of Police to give us the permission to strike before it's too late. (Picks up his phone, dials the C.S.P's number).
C.S.P OLAWOLE: (picks the call) Hello, Inspector Chris.
INSP. CHRIS: (responds) Salute, sir!. Sir, I just got an information about those drug traffickers.
C.S.P OLAWOLE: Yes, what about them?.
INSP. CHRIS: Sir, the spies we sent to work with them gave us an information that they've found out their location. The surprising thing is they've been in this city all these while but they are in a remote village, very far from here I guess.
C.S.P OLAWOLE: (surprised) What?!. A remote village?!. And we never found out about their location not until now. This is unbelievable!.
INSP. CHRIS: (in a low voice) Sir, I'm asking for a permission to strike.
C.S.P OLAWOLE: (ponders) Are you really sure about this?. Our agents just started working with them for almost three weeks now, how is it possible for them to find their hideout?. It's not an easy task, you know?.
INSP. CHRIS: (responds) I thought of that too but when I discovered that they were taken to their headquarters where they usually keep their illegal goods, that's when I knew that there's nothing to worry about.
C.S.P OLAWOLE: Okay, then. But something still seems fishy.
INSP. CHRIS: (responds) Sir, you should have known me by now. If there's anything fishy about this, I would have told you and made sure you abort this operation. Trust me on this, sir. Permission to strike, sir?.
C.S.P OLAWOLE: (affirmative) Okay, I agree with you then. Permission granted!.
INSP. CHRIS: (amazed) Thank you, sir. (Ends the call) Sergeant!. Make a call to our unit, tell them we need uhhmmm... (makes a calculation on his head) thirty police men.
SGT. RICHARDS: (responds with a smirk) I'll do that right away. (Makes a call to their unit, in a few minutes the police officers arrives. Insp. Chris and Sgt. Richards gives them instructions and devised a plan on how they'll operate. Immediately after a successful plan they drive to the village, all armed with different lethal weapons in four different police vehicles. One hour later, they arrive and split into two groups. Insp. Chris penetrates the building through the front alongside the fifteen men while Sgt. Richards discreetly enters the building from behind alongside the other fifteen men. Unfortunately, Insp. Chris observes there was no one around but his spies are already captured, hands and legs tied to a chair with their mouths gagged. Insp. Chris don't understand how they were captured he becomes dumbfounded as it is such an unfortunate incident for them. Footsteps are heard approaching them, Insp. Chris and his men position themselves to an offensive position. The footsteps stop and behold the drug traffickers arrive).
MAN 1: (laughs out loud with a pistol on his left hand) Wow!. Look who we have here!. (Speaks sarcastically) Our Inspector!. Our hero!. Our Superman!. (Bursts into laughter alongside his other men).
MAN 2: (chuckles loudly) Inspector Christopher!. You!. Suddenly, out of nowhere you became a threat to us just like that!. What is that name people gave you?. (Turns to Man 1)
MAN 1: Hero of the city?. (They both laugh hysterically).
MAN 2: (writes his nickname in the air) Hero-of-the-city. (Moves closer to Insp. Chris and looks him straight in the eyes) Are you really brave as people say?!. Or you're just pretending to be one. I want you to let loose that tiger in you today, let me see how smart and brave you are as people say.
INSP. CHRIS: (speaks after a long silence) Where is your boss?!. I want to see your boss! (the criminals burst into laughter).
MAN 3: (speaks for the first time after laughing uncontrollably) You want to see our boss?. (Sarcastically) I'm the boss, I'm here so say whatever you have to before I kill you. (Chuckles).
INSP. CHRIS: (pushes him aside) You're not the boss!. You are not even fit for that position!. Do you think I don't know who your boss is?. (Screams at the top of his voice with a bit of provocation) I said where in heaven's name is your boss!.
MAN 4: (shouts back at him) I said you can't see our boss!. What audacity!. How dare you come here and start asking after our boss?. I thought you came to fight or rescue your men who are already in our hands. (Few seconds later, footsteps are heard approaching them just the silhouette of two people are seen coming towards them. In a few seconds their faces are seen and it is the leader of the Mafia, The Godfather who is already holding Sgt. Richards hostage pointing a gun to his head).
GODFATHER: (still pointing a gun to Sgt. Richards' head as he speaks) Here I am!. You've been so eager to see me. What do you have for me?!. (Chuckles)
INSP. CHRIS: (ignores him as he is in shock seeing his friend held at gun point) Richie!. What happened?!. Can you please talk to me?!.
SGT. RICHARDS:(with tears in his eyes) I don't know how to explain this!. I don't really know what happened but I think we've been set up.
INSP. CHRIS: (shocked) Set up?!. Where are your men?!.
SGT. RICHARDS: (stuttering) They are all dead!. We were ambushed as we were about penetrating their building from behind.
INSP. CHRIS: (exclaims) What!. All fifteen of them are dead?!. (Turns to The Godfather) You bastard!. You have the guts to kill my men?.
GODFATHER: (laughing hysterically) Wow!. So the death of your men can really make you sad?. Put yourself in my shoes and think about how you killed my men years ago. Were you hurt?. No!. But instead I was hurt and swore with my life that I'll hunt you down, now is your turn to feel that same pain. I promised not to kill you easily, you'll die a slow but painful death. It'll be so shameful that you won't be remembered as a hero or whatever they see you as. Now before I do that, let me make some things clear to you. You must have been wondering how these idiots are in my hands (pointing to the hostages). I won't beat around the bush, do you know it hurts to hear people call you their hero?. Another reason I've been wanting to hunt you down for a very long time but you're just too smart you keep escaping my traps. Now, I set up a trap for you, I took advantage of your own men. Right from the day they entered our camp, I've been suspicious of them I knew there was something fishy, I took them in and kept a close watch on them. I knew if they found out about us they would inform you immediately. I then set a trap for them, do you really think this is our real headquarter. Oh no, I'm not stupid, I made a bait to bring you here. I brought them here after we've smuggled in our goods, because I knew they would call you after they've found out our headquarter. They fell into my trap as expected, my men captured and tortured them thoroughly till only one of them was able to confess. Now, tell me who is the smart one here?. Uhn, tell me. (Laughs hysterically).
INSP. CHRIS: (dumbfounded, takes a deep breath) Okay, fine. We can settle this amicably, let's make a negotiation.
GODFATHER: (responds) Negotiation?. How?.
INSP. CHRIS: (talks calmly) You give me my men and release my Sergeant for me then I'll leave here in peace like nothing ever happened. Is that a deal?.
GODFATHER: (shouts at him) No!. I'm not making any deal with you!. You think I don't know how tricky you can be?. I'm not stupid!. It's either one of us leave here alive or we all die here.
INSP. CHRIS: I promise you, there is no way I can trick you in a situation like this. We can do this without blood shed. These are my men, they are very important to me. I can't afford to risk their lives unnecessarily. Listen to me, please then we'll sort things out here.
GODFATHER: (with a bit of rage) Mr. Inspector, I won't repeat myself again. I am not going to accept that deal, I won't fall for your trick. I prefer we do it the hard way!. You remember how I lost most of my men into your hands?. Your men are replacing them with their lives.
INSP. CHRIS: (panics) No, please listen to me. I beg you, we can do this peacefully. Your men that died in my hands (stammering) w-wa-was a mi-mis-mistake. Please don't kill them, I beg you with my life.
GODFATHER: (chuckles) Whoa!. Did you just say mistake?. (Claps his hands in amazement) Wow!. Then I'll mistakenly kill your men. Isn't that what you want?. Uhmmm... (inhale deeply) I just thought of something, I think you're busy wasting my time here. Maybe there are more people on their way to ambush me and I'm stupidly wasting my time here with you. Gosh!. (slaps his head) Don't be stupid!.
INSP. CHRIS: (still panicking) I swear there's no one on their way coming!. I can't even try that in a situation like this. Please just release my men to me and we can ..........
GODFATHER: (cuts in) Shhh!. You talk too much!. (cocks his pistol pointing it at Sgt. Richards) I hate it when people beg me for mercy, it makes me lose my patience. I don't have time for pleas. What if I start with your beloved friend first. (Shoots Sgt. Richards, falls to the ground, bleeding as he gasps for breath)
INSP. CHRIS: (runs towards Sgt. Richards) Richie!. Nooo!. You can't leave me!. Just hang in there a little bit, let me finish up with them!. (Tears drops from his eyes) Please don't die!. I know you can make it through, you're very strong. Don't do this to me please!.
SGT. RICHARDS: (gasping for breath) My friend, it's a blessing that I ever knew you. You are the best person in my life. I pray to have a brother like you in my next life. Thank you for all the things you've done for me, all the love and care you showered on me I really appreciate. (Chuckles) It's a pity I won't be there when you have your second child (trying to catch his breath) My regards to yo-yo-your w-wi... (breath his last and gives up the ghost)
INSP. CHRIS: (wailing) Richie! Richie!! (lifts his hand and realizes it has become heavy) Richie, no you can't do this to me!. You can't die. Noooo! (screams loudly, drops Sgt. Richards' head to the ground stands up and faces The Godfather with rage) You!. After all my pleas, you still went ahead to kill him. (Brings out his gun, cocks it and points it to The Godfather. The police men and the other criminals also point their gun at each other) If you try anything stupid I'll gun you down.
GODFATHER: (laughs out loud) You dare not challenge my authority in my own palace!. No one begs The Godfather for mercy. I decide who to have mercy on. (Suddenly, a wounded Corporal who was ambushed by The Godfather alongside his other colleagues showed up from nowhere holding a gun. With the little strength he had, he came from behind and shoots The Godfather twice on his head. The Godfather drops dead immediately, before Inspector Chris could tell him to watch out he has already been killed by The Godfather's men. In a millisecond, a gunfight started and the atmosphere became wild, Inspector Chris and his men took cover they fired at The Godfather's men. Bullets flying in the air, some of the hostages were killed, some of Inspector Chris men were also killed and injured. Only two of The Godfather's men were left alive, they tried to flee but were shot on their legs and they surrendered as they discovered they have no more bullets. Inspector Chris called for back up and they were taken to prison. The whole media aired the news about another good work Inspector Chris had done. He had never lost so much men since he became a police officer. Still grieving his friend's death, he is promoted for bashing the drug Mafia organization alongside the officers that survived the incident. From Inspector of Police to Assistant Superintendent of Police. He eulogises his friend, honours his promotion in his name and moves on with his life).

                               LIGHT FADES

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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