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So basically I was thinking at 3 am and then I magically got an idea of a otome (dating simulator) type of game.
It would be like a messenger app, like mystic messenger style(with different plot and without having to wait, probably having a energy thingy that could let you unlock each thing, instead of having to remember schedules). So it's basically about you chatting in a certain group chat with some people. I will make the game free (it will have some ads for it to be like that because I need money for the art stuff) and it's a 2-3 options choosing game. It will probably have some DLCs with extra characters, options, art and endings.
The story is like a school chat or something like that, and when you choose an option of what you want to write (one of the 2-3 options they give you) you are interacting with the characters, the more you interact with certain characters in a positive way, the more you learn about their past, personalities and lives. The more you interact with them, the more trust they have towards you, and could lead to different endings. It's mainly in a chat, but at the ending you are going to interact "physically" with the characters, seeing them "in real life"
The physically and the in real life are written like that because it's still inside of the game, but now not in messages and you can see them when they talk.
For now I have only designed some of the characters, but I have ready every personalities and almost every backstory.
Here are the ones that I have already designed:

Some backstories, dialogues and personalities are based on real life events that are from some people I've known that have accepted that I can put them on this independent, personal (it's developed 100% by me) and ambitious project

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Some backstories, dialogues and personalities are based on real life events that are from some people I've known that have accepted that I can put them on this independent, personal (it's developed 100% by me) and ambitious project.
The names of the real people will not be shown, and I will mix some real personalities of someone with the past of someone else, or I could mix some reality with fantasy (fake things that could happen but they didn't).

Also I need ideas for names, please give me ideas on the comments.

There's one problem:
I don't know coding and I don't understand Unity. (I'm using free unity 2019)
If someone knows any other free program easier to use or how to learn how to use Unity by free please let me know in the comments. If you know coding or how to use unity and want to teach me for free please let me know and I will be in contact with you via comments.

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