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long,short, wide, narrow
suspended, curved, straight
on a stilt, over the mountains
fields, valleys, hills, meadows
across seas, rivers, lakes, fjords
brooks, streams, swamps
Inlets, canals...
it's everywhere

made of wood, concrete, steel
mud, bricks, glass, stones
memories, aspirations, goals
hope, dreams...

one way or another, we crossed
a hundreds of these in our lives
different from each other, but we
traverse the same path
some have crossed and reached
their destination only to find out
that it's not where they want to go
others are full of trials and sorrow
but was able to find happiness at the end
what bridge will I take?
where will it end?
what awaits me there?
when I arrive, will I be happy, satisfied, fulfilled or disappointed?
who will meet me halfway?

we all have our own bridges to travel over
designed to our own specification
some may have more than the other
but are we brave enough to cross over?

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