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Nearly 86 days since I stopped taking my supplements Suzie and the others all say they will help me become a better person and I could become the person I want to be but that can never come true.
The thing is I'm what you would call a vampire or the other term people like to use is monster or creature of the dark lol but in reality we "vampires" just need blood to survive we don't have magical powers or can fly but we are more stronger and faster then humans. Most of the rumours about vampires are false the biggest one being we are immortal but that's isn't true are life expectancy is about 150 years old but there are rumours that true.
One thing that is true is the hungry and craving at times in can be unbearably painful if we don't drink blood of use supplements it could take us to our breaking point.

I live with my girlfriend Suzie, we were childhood friends and grew up together we also live with 8 other "vampires" in an rundown hotel in the forest where no one can find us we all live here together to keep us safe but in reality it's a prison where I can't leave.

I used to go to school but I had to drop out because of an accident that happened between this boy I knew where he found out about me being a vampire and I couldn't control myself so I'm unfit to be with other in those situations but Suzie and the other still go and I have to to stay in the hotel all day and night.

All I want is to be human and live like them.

Hi it's yippies thank you for reading the introduction for my new novel this is the first story I ever wrote so please be patient with me and sorry for the spelling.

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