Chapter Twelve - The Final Battle

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After entering the sewer systems, Tokoyami began navigating his way through the sewers and followed the signal given to him by Oracle. As Tokoyami navigated through the sewers, he could hear the explosions rocking the sewers. 

Tokoyami: (Looks like the battle has begun. I better hurry!)

Tokoyami began running through the sewers as he continued to follow the signal. Eventually, he reached a ladder that lead to a building. 

Tokoyami: Oracle. I think I've reached the source of the signal. Do you hear me?

Oracle(Communicator): Loud and clear, Tokoyami! I'm picking up your signal. From the looks of it, you're directly above the communications tower. That ladder should take you into the maintenance room.

Tokoyami: What will I be facing?

Oracle(Communicator): Besides Sin Tzu, I don't know. I can't seem to get access to the camera feed.

Tokoyami: I'm ready.

Tokoyami then climbs up the ladder and finds himself in the maintenance room. As he exits the maintenance room, he finds that the communications tower is empty.

Tokoyami: Oracle. I'm not seeing any mercenaries. The tower is empty.

Oracle(Communicator): That's strange. Why would Sin Tzu have the communications tower empty.

Tokoyami: I don't know, but I won't let that stop me.

Tokoyami then began moving through the communications tower in search for Sin Tzu. Eventually, he reaches to top floor of the tower where he finds Sin Tzu looking over the chaos happening in the city.

Sin Tzu: Welcome, Fumikage Tokoyami. I've been expecting you.

Tokoyami: It's over, Sin Tzu! Stop this before more people die!

Sin Tzu: This is war. People die. That is the very nature of war. This is merely the beginning of something good.

Tokoyami: Good?! People are dying!

Sin Tzu: A necessary loss. The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic.

Tokoyami then readied his blunt Promethium sword as he summoned Dark Shadow.

Tokoyami: I'm shutting down Operation: Knightfall and then I'm taking you down.

Sin Tzu: Try as you will, Tokoyami. I will grant you an honorable death.

Sin Tzu then pulled out a sword and saluted Tokoyami. Tokoyami then charges at Sin Tzu and the two engage in combat. As Tokoyami and Dark Shadow attack Sin Tzu, the Villain was able to hold his own.

Sin Tzu: Show me the skills that defeated Silver Monkey!

Tokoyami is then put on the defensive as Dark Shadow parries Sin Tzu's attacks. Sin Tzu then breaks through Dark Shadow's defenses and disarms Tokoyami.

Sin Tzu: Sloppy. Your technique is flawed. You disappoint me, Tokoyami. I expected more.

Sin Tzu then launches a series of precise attacks on Tokoyami, but Dark Shadow soon lands a punch on Sin Tzu which sends his back a couple of feet. Tokoyami then activates his Black Ankh Super Move as Dark Shadow encases Tokoyami's body.

Sin Tzu: Most impressive. Let my show you the full power of my Battle Meditation!

Sin Tzu then activates his Battle Meditation and augments his strength and senses. He then attacks Tokoyami with speed and precision, bit Dark Shadow was able to protect Tokoyami from most of the attacks. Sin Tzu plays a mental game of chess with Tokoyami as he anticipates all of Tokoyami's attacks. Soon enough, Sin Tzu was able to overpower Tokoyami and inflicts several non lethal slashes onto Tokoyami.

Sin Tzu: It is over, Tokoyami. This battle is over. You cannot hope to defeat me.

Tokoyami: Then I must employ..... drastic measures.

As Tokoyami says that, he allows Dark Shadow to take control of him and becomes a hulking behemoth that towered over Sin Tzu.


Dark Shadow then attacks Sin Tzu with a series of powerful attacks that nearly overwhelmed Sin Tzu if not for his Battle Meditation
Seeing that the tide has turned, he cranked up the power of his Quirk to it's full capabilities. The hulking Dark Shadow infused Tokoyami fought against the Battle Meditation enhanced Win Tzu. The battle shook the very ground as they stood

Sin Tzu: Such power! Such aggression! You truly are a warrior worthy of praise!


As Sin Tzu attempts to end the conflict, Dark Shadow then overwhelmed Sin Tzu by unleashing a series of powerful and fast attacks that even Sin Tzu's Battle Meditation couldn't predict. Eventually, Dark Shadow grabbed Sin Tzu and slammed him into the ground. He then throws Sin Tzu against the wall. As Dark Shadow was about to find sh him off, Dark Shadow stops as Sin Tzu gets up. Dark Shadow begins to dissipate and soon Tokoyami remained, signifying his full control of Dark Shadow. Tokoyami then walks over to the computers and places a Bat shaped device on it.

Tokoyami: Oracle. Shut this place down.

Oracle(Communicator): My pleasure.

Oracle then gains access to the communications tower's computers and shit's down Operation: Knightfall.

Tokoyami: It's over, Sin Tzu. You've lost.

Sin Tzu: I was right about you. You are a true warrior. You have my everlasting respect.

Tokoyami: This ends now.

Sin Tzu: Then finish it. Kill me and claim your final victory.

In that moment, Tokoyami was presented with an option. He could either kill Sin Tzu and end his threat for good or he could take him in and risk his escape. Tokoyami then stayed true to his Hero vows.

Tokoyami: I'm taking you in, Sin Tzu. I'm putting you in Tartarus so that you cannot hurt anymore people.

Even in the face of total defeat, Sin Tzu remained calm and collected. Sin Tzu's Great War had ended in failure. Despite this, Sin Tzu remained calm and collected. He then begins to chuckle.

Sin Tzu: To the last I grapple with thee. From hell's heart I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.

Sin Tzu looked at Tokoyami with calm eyes.

Sin Tzu: Computer. Activate the Nero Decree. Passcode.....Mars.

Computer: Passcode accepted.

As the computer accepted the passcode, alarms began blaring throughout the communications tower.

Oracle(Communicator): GET OUT OF THERE NOW!

Tokoyami then jumped out the window of the communications tower. Sin Tzu walked to the balcony and watched as Tokoyami activated his cloak and used it to glide away from the tower. Sin Tzu simply smiled.

Sin Tzu: Well played.

The communications tower was soon engulfed in flames as the explosion completely destroyed the tower, taking Sin Tzu with it. In his final moments, Sin Tzu thought only of the Great War. And with Sin Tzu's death, the Great War was over.

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