Untitled Part 2

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Alexis P.O.V

Once i was in my room i smiled and did a weird happy dance. I think Kevin is cute but he looks like a player and i don't want to get hurt again...


I walked into the house i shared with my boyfriend Jake, i was beyond tired from work. I was about to scream Jake's name when i heard loud mouning coming from the room jake and me shared. Me being me walked to the room queitly and opened the door as fast as possible and pocked my head in to see my boyfriend Jake with some one who I trusted my whole life.... my cousin Jasmine! I gasped and put my hand over my mouth but did not let the tears that were swelling up in my eyes fall.

*end of flash back*

I was snapped out of my flashback by my phone ringing and tears falling down my face. I quickly dried my tears and got ready to act like if every thing is OK. I graved my phone and checked the caller I.D to see it was my mom so I answerd

[A is for me and M is for mom]

A: Hello?

M: Hola mija!

A: Hola mama! como estas?

M: Bien pero me podrias pasar me a tu hermano? esque de seguro que se murio su telefono otra vez!

A: hahaha OK mama, dame un minutito

M: OK, gracias mija!

I could hear the smile in her voice, man i love my mom! anyways i started to walk back to where  last saw luis and kevin. i swear you could hear their conversations from a ile away! 

"LUIS! mama te va a matar! ten el telefono" i said with a goofy grin on my face

"Shit!" he said and took the phone then walked out of the living room.

i turned my attention towards Kevin who smiled and winked at me wile once again looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes and said

"te gusta lo que ves?" with a smirk on my face.

"hmmm me parece que si pero ati te encata lo que tu ves" Kevin replied back with a smirk.

"si claro, pero en tus suenoz kevin" I replied in a sexy tone wail walking close to him so we were face to face.

I saw him shiver and bite his lip wail staring back at me.

"que paso amor? no tan gallito como te creias?" I said wail turning around and walking back to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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