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Terrified and hurt screams could be heard echoing through the halls.
Down the hall and to the left lay a room.

A woman was held up in chains by her arms. Her body weak, because of the electric pulses being sent through her body.

The scientist sneered at the woman.
"Have you decided to act correctly noe solider?"

She didnt reply.

"Aw!Very good.релиз"
The grey,metal shakles opened and let the woman fall to the ground with a thump.

Her long h/c over her face as she attempted to stand up.

The scientist walked over and placed his foot on her back.

"Now,Who are you?"

It was quiet for a moment before she spoke.

"The summer solider."
She muttered lifelessy.

The scientist grew an ear shiting grin.
"Very well y/n! Now lets get you suited for your capture mission."



"Mr.Stark?A package has came for you. A letter."

Stark rubbed the back of his neck. Spreading oil onto the nape of his neck.

"Yea alright.Be there in a moment."

He wiped his hands on a cloth before trudging up the steps.

A letter lay on the floor in front of his door.
"Of course the mailman cant use the mailbox."
He grumbled as he bent over to grab it.

With a swipe of a finger he opened it.
As he pulled the contents out of it a cold and metal gun was pressed to his back.


The mysterious voice told him.
He had no other choice then to listen.

"Hands up."

The voice replied again.
Stark did as he was told to.
A clicking of boots was what caught his attention. Instead of piper popping out it was the mans- or Woman's boots.

A woman about (Height) stood infornt of him.
She had h/c hair in a bun and a gun pointed at Starks face.

He barely made out the hydra symbol on her shoulder.

He mumbled. If it were an option he would be rubbing his temples. But with a gun in his face he didn't dare.

"Now,you're going to tell me what I want before I put a bullet right between your eyes."
She reached in her back pocket and pulled out a picture.


"Where is he?"
She asked. Her voice filled with venom and despair.

"Look lady.For what ever reason your after rapzunal over there. I don't know where he's at. If I did. I surely wouldn't tell you."
Stark replied with a sudden burst of confidence.

The woman scolded. She brought the gun up,it was facing the ceiling.


The gun was back in his face as fast as it left.
"His buddy,Captain America."

"What about cap?"
If looks could kill. Tony would surely be dead.

"Where is he?"
Tony smiled.
"Well,what's the whole reason your after bucky?He get you pregnant and run off?"

She raised the gun to hit him but a arm stopped her.

"Y/n. Stop."

Y/ns head jerked up.
Bucky was standing there. Along with steve and Nat.

Y/n threw herself on him.
Attempting to hold him down or at least hurt him.

She was quickly held back. But that didnt stop her from struggling.

Before she could escape a loud thunk was hear and she fell to the ground.

{UNDER RECONSTRUCTION!!}The Summer solider {Steve rogers x reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora