Chapter three

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It was a Friday night and don't get me started on how college was like today , for every normal normal college student they would have been out by this time partying and getting shit faced  but I love my life and on this cold night after having a video call section for over an hour with my brother  and all I wanted to do was binge watch the resident with a lot of snacks lurking around and dreams do come true and this was one of those dreams that came true .

After hours of watching the resident I receive a text from Brando❤️ = hey I am coming over want anything ? I smile knowing movie night with Brandon was fun and a lot of snacks were involved so why not right considering I was getting a bit lonely.
Me=did one of your dates dump you ?
Brando❤️= yes and I remember asking you if you wanted anything ? And not about my dates .
Me= whatever but I do need pizza and a large drink don't disappoint me 😁
Brando❤️ = alright be there in thirty min and you owe  me big head .

Me deciding not to answer Brandon and to keep watching my movie while waiting for that asshole to show up .
" I am home " I hear from my living room knowing exactly who it was .
"For the love of God you do know this is not your house right ?" I replied as I got out of bed in my pajamas .
"yea whatever makes you sleep at night " Brandon replied with a smirk on his foolish face.
"What did you get ? I asked with a huge smile on my face "well I got an extra large pizza with cheese , large coke and two cappuccinos and that would be hundred dollars "  Brandon said with a large grin.
"You have to be kidding me "
"Just a joke calm down , what are we watching?" Brandon asked enthusiastically
"The resident , guess what pravesh did not get married " I told him .
" oh no he didn't I thought he was in love , that sucks though "
"Just like yours?"I asked
" don't get me started " he answered
"Do you plan on explaining to me what happened between you and  sandy because on a Friday night I am sure as hell I wouldn't be spending it with you so what happened?" I asked him
" ok don't get mad at me , so there was this party I attended and I got drunk as hell I don't even remember what happened but the next day sandy came into my apartment and met me lying on the same bed with some Irish cheerleader and boom!everything went down the hill. He finally finished .
"First off you are a big fool Brandon because that girl was a keeper and secondly have you tried talking to her maybe she would understand ? Because boyyy you screwed up big time " I told him while taking a sip from my cappuccino
"Yea I did but it's no use she said she was tired of me anyway so I am back to the playboy Brandon "he said with a pained smile
"Oh no you are not but let's watch this movie and I need some of this pizza but we would figure this out don't worry "I winked .
"Conrad is a lot handsome than pravesh I am telling you take it from a hot guy "Brandon said with a huge piece of pizza in his mouth. "Oh no you didn't pravesh is a lot handsome did you see how those other interns were staring " I answered "just so you know take it from me anyone who ever said you are hot was healing your ego I added you might be wondering what the chaos is by 2am in the morning well that's the power of a compelling drama series.
"I love this pizza "Brandon stated out of know where
"I know right good choice " I said and we both began laughing .
To be honest this are the times I cherish the most because i Donnie have much friends and my best friend always held my back so I don't think I will trade Brandon for thousands of friends and some how I think I am guy too so we enjoy doing each others things and because we have our own ways we are open to crazy ideas trust me crazy ones.
"Hey what do you say to three shots of vodka and some alcohol concoction?" Brandon asked
Like I said crazy ideas where he got this one from I would never know .
" no thank you , I don't think you have learnt from your Irish cheerleader adventure have you?"  I asked
"Chill dude just kidding " he responded.

If there is one thing I hate the most apart from my alarm is waking up to the sunlight right up in my face and it's very frustrating , my body aches and I had someone's leg on me that weighed a lot than You can imagine that's when it dawned upon me Brandon was still at my apartment.
"Brandon!!!! Get up!!!!" I screamed because boy did that boy weigh a lot
"You know I am losing down here so yelling actually stupid " he said
"Dude your breath stinks " I said as I tried to get up
"Says the girl who took garlic last night " he said with a chuckle
"I honestly hate you"
It takes work hunny Brandon said racing me to the bathroom .
"You did not bring change of clothes did you " I asked seeing that he raced me to the bathroom "and may I add that there is a guest bathroom downstairs " I added.
"To answer your question yes I brought a change of clothes did you not see the bag I came in with and yes I know there is a guest room downstairs but I am no guest bitch so deal with it ." He finally finished

I hugged as I took my towel , a change of clothes as I strolled downstairs to the guest bathroom because some asshole did not let me use mine but I wouldn't mention names .
"Just for the record I hate you Brandon and I mean it "I screamed as i reached the bottom of the stairs .
"I know hunny I love me too" he replied I could literally tell he had some stupid grin of his face . 

After our stupid argument about the bathrooms ,I am pretty sure you all might be wondering what the hell is going on with us but to be honest we are just a little bit crazy and it's pretty funny .
" ok it's the weekend so what are we doing today ?" Brandon asked .
" You want to spend today with me ?" I said in a high pitched voice.
" I would not want to be offended by that tone you just used , so it is can't I spend a good weekend with my one and only best friend ? Besides you know my family aren't here so you are my comfort place " he finished 
"As much as I love that speech you just gave I thought you would be hooking up with one of your one night stands that's all you can't blame a girl for guessing " I added
" rather for judging you mean to say and I am done with this conversation you are a mood pooper " Brandon said as he got up from the  table "is that even a word but I didn't mean it that way, anyway what do we eat for breakfast I am starving " I answered

"I know right there is this waffle shop I saw on my way here let's go there and after that we could go to the cinema or the beach to the something I don't plan on spending my Saturday at home thank you very much . Brandon finished

" bleh bleh dude stop talking let's go already" I told him as I took my bag
"I call shot gun!!!" Blake yelled running into the drive way
I swear that guy never grows up but heyy it's Saturday let's go have fun!!!!!

Authors note : another chapter I am guessing Brando is a play boy do you agree let's see where we g o from here stay safe guys and please vote and comment thank youuu❤️

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