(3) Big Mistake

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In the last Chapter I beated 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ words!! 😁
I do not own the picture ☝️

*Shadow's POV*

"-Man, you became really 🤬 after your mom's d-.." Sanctum was cut off by me. I didn't let him finish, I immediately punched him in face. "Do not. ever. mention. my MOTHER!!! UNDERSTOOD?!!!" I shouted at him. I hate it, when they do this.

I also realised, that was a big mistake.

Steel came towards me, and tried to punch me, but failed because I grabbed his fist, and pushed him far away from me. Then Scourge attacked me, and grabbed my both shoulders and pinned me against the wall.

"Seens like you didn't learn your lesson rat!!" He shouted. I grabbed his face and headbutted him. He hold his forehead, and took a few step backwards. My victory didn't take last long because one of the students punched me in the face, causing me fall on my knees. I looked up to see a red echidna with Ametyst eyes. Knuckles the echidna.

I tried to get up but Sanctum kicked me in my stomach blocking the air from my lungs. I was laying on the floor gasping for air, my right arm was in front of my head.

Then I felt somebody stepping on my wirst. Thanks God he didn't take his weight on it. Yet.

I tried to pull it out, but with no success. Even the weight on my wirst got heavyer. It was hurt. "Get off me, it hurts!" I yelped. My wirst now burned. "Why would we do that? We just started enjoying it. 😈" Steel said.
Steel standed on my wirst. I grabbed his leg, but Scourge kicked my jaw. Slowly more and more sturents standed around us, and no one had even tried to help me. Steel put more weight on my wirst, making me cry out.

"Aaarghh, stop it, STOP IT!!!.. You're going to breake it!!!" I yelled. "Untill you learn the lesson to respect us, that not gonna happen, Dark!! A pink female hedgehog shouted and kicked me in ribs 4 times. Then I saw a smoke grey wolf getting behind me. He kicked my back. I felt a massive pain im my lungs and torso. Now my whirst was burned like it was sent on fire, and I felt like, it's going to breake.
"AAAARGHHH, STOP IT PLEASE, IT HURTS, PLEASE!!! YOU'RE GOING TO BREAKE IT!!" He still didn'g get off my wirst. Tears welled up in my eyes, I immediately closed them, trying to fight the tears back. "Awww, this emo-hog is about to cry!" The brown chipmunk Sally said joyfully.

The pain got worse, and I couldn't hold it anymore, I began to sob. "Tch, pathetic. Nothing but such a wrecked freak." Knuckles commented as the others are hissed, and frowned at me at the sign. I just sobbed quietly, uncotrollably. That was all I could do.
My arm very hurts, I just wanted it to be end.

But it didn't.
And they did not bothered themself to leave me alone. That doesen't matter how long or loud was I screamed.

Sudden, loud snap sounded, and an unbearable pain shot through my whole arm. I screamed in pain and they...

Just laughed at me.

A teacher came out of the office to see a crowd of students beating the soul out of me.
"EVERYONE, GET TO YOUR CLASSES! YOU'RE ALREADY LATE!!!" She shouted, and the others did what they were told.
Then I heard the teacher coming. I was laying on the cold floor. Crying. I felt myself being dragged away. My vision became blurry, because of to much pain.

Then everything went black.

(A/N: Sorry for this little spoiler, I hope you like the story. Comment and vote please 😁🙏.
Bye! 👋)

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