Chocolate sweets💜

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Huffing, you and chara approach the door. You had to run all the way here due to Asgore being busy. "We....hah.....finally...huff..made it." you pant out. Chara nods, face pink from all that running. "mhm! With 2 minutes to spare." they said approaching the door.
You watch and stand behind chara as after a moment the door opens revealing the lusty berry skeleton himself. while he is known universally as swaplust (not sure if that's true, again I don't know much about the character it's just what raffled.) he goes by Sans.
Which is good because it's easy to remember!

"Mweh heh heh!~ Hello, Humans." he greets. "I'm so excited you able to make it."
"It's nice to see you again, Sans!" Chara smiles as they step into the home. You linger back a moment trying to zip the hoodie up Chara had given you earlier. You were so focused on that you paid no mind to sans, who was watching you. "You don't need to hassle yourself with that, human. You look fine~" he says grabbing your hand.
Caught off guard you frown but thank him. "o-oh um thanks...sans?"
He slowly moved his hand to your wrist, as his voice went much more...nice and smooth. "You're welcome~"

Once the door shut he let go of you. "Hungry?" he asked you and chara. You shake your head no as chara ask for chocolate. You go and take a seat on the couch next to chara. You aren't sure what's playing on the TV anymore...swaplust sans comes back and sits next to you. Your in the middle. Chara is on the right. Sans gives a light half lidded smile as you awkwardly try to lean back a bit so he can hand the chocolate to Chara. "Thanks sans." Chara says as he leans over...putting his hand on your thigh for balance as he leaned across. "Dontmindit! Dontmindit!" You're brain screams at you. Not like it was on purpose...
His hand gives a slight squeeze. Okay it was on purpose.

Seating himself back down, sans looks at you. "want some chocolate, human?" He ask. You shake your head.
"Oh...are you sure? I heard chocolate does some interesting things to humans..." he unwrapped a chocolate bar as he was talking. "Inside of chocolate is something called...phenylethylamine, a compound that shall we say ....stimulates the brain to release a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Makes it a lot easier to be happy and fall in love. chocolate has been said to be able to exert several effects on human sexuality, acting as an effective aphrodisiac, increasing sexual desire, and improving sexual pleasure.~" With each one of those words going farther and farther....his voice got more and more "suggestive".
Your face was red...and very very hot. "I-"
"what's wrong, human? Surprised to learn something new like that? I would have though humans regularly taught similar stuff." His tone was normal now. Not knowing how to respond you simply look away and nod. "J-just surprised!"

Chara, who was munching on their chocolate looked over at you. "Hey, your face is red, are you alright?"

I honestly hate this book. I am having writer's block already and only have around 600 words per chapter which is BS...i still dunno what to call swaplust or even if that's what he IS called. Or how he acts canonly.
Credits to science about the chocolate stuff ya weirdos. I also dislike the pacing of this book.
I think I will have maybe 10 chapters at max. Who would read this anyway- updating isn't That important with no one reading
(which is okay.)

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