Vingt-Sept (27)

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Bryn's POV

When I got back home, I found JoJo laying on my couch watching Kardashians. "You missed Kim and Chris' fairytale wedding." She got up and cam over to me. "But that's okay, because you and Niall will probably have Kim at your guys'."

"Our what?" I ask putting down the soda he brought me.

"Your wedding."

"We are not getting married," I said while my phone buzzed. JoJo and I both stared at each other knowing it was Niall. JoJo broke eye contact and flew for my phone, which she got. I had non-alcoholic beer! MY reflexes are a little slow!

"Awwwwe, how sweet. I will reply with yes." She said and typed away on my phone.

"Yes to what??" I chased her down for my phone and she kept running around the room, getting away.

"There, Niall is coming over tomorrow night for a movie. I said it was gonna be a double date for me and my guy," she said stopping and giving me back my phone.

"You have a guy?"

"I do, but suddenly, tomorrow before the movie, we'll break up," she said and fake frowned.

"Why didn't you just tell him it was gonna be a date between me and him then?"

"Oh, I don't know. My plan felt a lot more dramatic..."

"You should really stop watching the Kardashians."


Most of the day was spent watching ling baking videos of stupid things such as: watermelon bread, cookies in the shape of a penis, a giant twix bar, and one direction cupcakes. JoJo picked the last one.

After browsing YouTube a little bit more, and watching every single popin cookin video that exists, we heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" JoJo sprung up from her seat and started running.

"But you're supposed to be gone," I reminded her.

"Oh yeah. I'll just be in your room. You go get it," she said army crawling up my stairs. I got to the door and found a wild Niall standing with bags from Wal-Mart.

"Are you excited?!" He walked into my house, making himself at home. He took off his shoes (which did not smell pleasant) and shuffled through the bags.

"So excited." I went over to him and looked through the bags seeing popcorn, candy, and a few movies.

"Where is everyone? It's not a movie night unless there's a group of people. I also got enough food to feed a village! There are four pizzas on their way!"

"Well, my parents are on an over night date, meaning they're making babies in a hotel, JoJo and her date couldn't make it, and that's all who would be here." He just stared at me and smiled.

"So, it's just the two of us?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me and placed his hands on my waist.

"I'll look through my contacts and invite someone!" I said getting out of his weak grasp and grabbing my phone. I looked through all five of my contacts which consisted of: Chris, Dad, JoJo, Mom, and Niall.

"Chris is still on your phone?" I heard Niall over my shoulder. "Is there something still going on, or...?"

"No, I just don't only want four contacts. But, it'd be smart to delete it."

"Let me see your phone," he said taking it out of my hands. "Go make popcorn or something, it might take a while." He got his phone out too and I went over to one of the grocery bags and grabbed a bad of kernels.

I microwaved the bag until I smelled something burning. "Oh, shit."

"What's wrong?" Niall said and came over to me.

"The popcorn is burning!" I tried opening the microwave door, but found it stuck. "What the hell?"

"Let me help," Niall came over and budged it open, right into my nose. "Bryn! I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, just, get me ice?"

"You're bleeding," he said grabbing paper towels and tapping my nose from far away.

"What's wrong with you? I'm the one with the bleeding nose," I said grabbing the towels from him.

"I'm not good with blood."

"Good thing you're not a girl, because every month," I try to bug him.

"No, don't."

"The period."

"Bryn," He warns me.

"Blood, gushing out."

"I'll delete all of your new contacts! Ed Sheeran going first!" he walked over to the chair and wiggled my phone.

"I HAVE ED SHEERAN'S NUMBER?!" I snatched the phone and looked through my contacts.

Buddy The Elf


Ed Sheeran

Ellie Goulding

Harry Styles


Katy Perry

Liam Payne

Louis Tomlinson

Olly Murs


Niall Horan

"I dont have Zayn's number anymore after he switched back from his nokia. It was a brick," Niall said getting me more paper towels.

"Buddy The Elf?"

"I don't know."

"Thank you, Niall. I would kiss your cheek, but I'm kind of bleeding." I said still holding the cloth up.

"Then I'll kiss yours," he came over and attached his lips to my cheek, which made me blush. I mean, turn red because I got a sunburn. I don't blush.

"So, should we invite people to come?" I ask looking through my contacts again.

"Yeah, I'm sure the boys would be happy to come." He took out his phone and started texting.

"The boys as in, the rest of one direction?" JoJo came down the stairs staring at Niall in disbelief.

"No, I was thinking the boys I met on the side of the road the other day." Niall said not looking up from his phone.

"Yes, and you will stay calm if you want to stay down here," I told JoJo.

"Okay, Liam and Sophia are coming, so are Louis and Eleanor. Harry is a maybe, and he said he can text Zayn for me," Niall looked up and finally saw JoJo. "Don't blow up."

"No promises!!"


Next chapter, the boys are coming to town!

BOYS!!! I KNOW THEM!!!!! (elf reference)

Sorry it was kinda late today. I'm usually on top of writing chapters, but stuff has been happening. Like making macarons... I may or may not have made some right now. They may or may not be in the oven right now. idk. stop judging me.

Dedicated to @CuppieCake231 Bc she voted a shitload.

I've been watching keeping up with the Kardashians like crazy, so I thought they deserved to be the chapter pic. THEYRE NOT AS BAD AS THEY LOOK, BIBLE.

love you guys

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