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As soon as I got home from college the next day I instantly began planning what to wear to the Kings of Leon gig, jeans and a t-shirt was of course the cool but casual option, but The Vibe Shack seemed much more glamorous than that, and as I was to be a strictly VIP member (with the chance of meeting and talking to the band), then I guessed it would make more sense to wear something more VIP like.

I decided to call Ebony for her advice;


"Ebs, what are you wearing for the gig tonight?!" I asked panicky.

"Oh hi Ava, yes I'm fine thanks for asking" she replied sarcastically.

"Sorry" I laughed "It's kind of urgent, I have no idea"

"Then you've come to the right place, I'm wearing my black sequin shift dress, and I'm undecided on flats or heels though, what do you think?"

"Flats definitely, we'll be there a good few hours and if you think wearing 5 inch heels in a mosh pit full of sweaty bouncing people is a good idea then you're deluded" I assured her.

"Oh yeah, never thought of that..." she trailed off... "So which flats then, my black...?"

"Ebony" I cut her off "what can I wear? I'm really stuck here; I don't want to just wear my jeans if everyone's going to be dressing up nicely"

"Easy - wear your new green tulip skirt, with a black vest tucked in and some chunky beads - that'll look great"

Ebony was a life saver, I'd totally forgotten about the new green skirt I'd bought just weeks before, it was a perfect look; cool and edgy without looking too try hard.

"Oh you're a genius" I thanked her "and by the way, go for the flat black ballet pumps"

"Oh now you help me" she laughed gratefully "I'll see you at the skate park at six?"

"Yeah, see you there"


I put the phone down feeling relieved and ran off to my wardrobe to grab the clothes and laid them out neatly on the bed so they were readily available for wear later.

I checked my watch and it was already 4.30pm, I dashed into the shower, quickly washed my hair and shaved my legs fearing I'd never be ready in an hour and half's time.

Time was flying by so quickly, and I was only half way through my make up when I realised it was already nearly half past five.

I finished my makeup and slipped into my outfit with five minutes to spare before the clock struck 6pm, I dabbed on a bit of perfume and seized my bag from the couch making sure I had enough money and carefully placed the black and silver VIP lanyard around my neck.

I rushed down the stairs and nearly collided with my mum at the bottom

"Ava!" she exclaimed "watch where you're bloody going... - ooh you look nice, do you want dropping off at the meeting point? I was just about the head that way to the shops"

"Please if you don't mind" I smiled gladly.

In the car I began to get really nervous, I'd been to hundreds of gigs before, but none quite as big as this, I rooted through my bag to ensure I hadn't forgotten my digital camera, money and mobile phone, just as I was about to close it back up again my mobile phone began to beep - text message from Grace.

Ava where are you?! We are all sat on the coach waiting to go! G x

My heart flipped, not only was everyone probably angry at having to wait for me, I'd have to climb aboard the coach all on my own and all eyes would be on me and I hated being the centre of attention.

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