Chapter 6

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Mean girls

A week has passed and I'm still here, that is a cause for some celebrations don't you think? It was a rocky path getting to this point, but the boys didn't exactly make it easy for me, casting me out to the coach, getting me to leave, becoming one of the clingiest shits that I've ever had to deal with.

But I took it all in my stride even if that meant adding salt to the wound that is my life and accepting the fact that the boys might be assholes but so am I. I've not been the greatest person to them, quite frankly I should be sent off to the loony bin for how I've acted, I know I'm weird but not that weird. Maybe it's the move, leaving everything that I've ever known back home – or well I used to live - and trying to settle into a place where it's not welcoming my crazy.

I say that I shouldn't stoop to their level but where else is there to go when I'm already at rock bottom and hell is far beyond my saviour but the only way back up is to suck it up for both parties. Japan has made me coo-coo-crazy, and I need to stop before I start inflicting anymore unnecessary pain. But that doesn't mean some of the boys can't learn to respect me like I'm actual player and not a dummy mouthing off at them.

I suspect that none of them got told that having a god complex isn't an attractive trait. Lucky for them I'm here and they will have to kill me to stop being a Debby-downer.

With that being said, Ushijima proved to be the biggest asshole of them all after not only orchestrating a gangbang and ostracising me from the group he then does the one thing to promise my return. Who the fuck sends a hot, sweaty, fucking sexy spank bank worthy nude photo without any context other than 'practice is at six'. Like whom the fuck does he think he is pinning me down to the bone and fucking me sideways in my dreams. He's getting me all hot and bothered and it's barely been twenty-four hours since he left me on read.

He's such an asshole because of it and I'm so delusional that the moment I heard the signal I came running back into their open arms like a crazy ex-girlfriend deluding herself that he won't cheat again. But they won't. Call me big-headed or whatever I know the boys more than likely fear me than wanting to step on my toes again.

My bite is bigger than my bark.

Of course, it wasn't just the dirty little nude that he sent me that got me kicking out of bed faster than a rooster can cluck in the waking hours of the morning. The team is a dumpster filled with wank stains and little shits that can't stay away after being told no multiple times, their actions and behaviour might be more problematic than my own. But after all their grovelling and manipulative gifts they sure do know how to wear down an opponent's resolve even if my declining presence might have only been a small vacation and less of a walking out.

I'm not a quitter just merely a procrastinator.

This generation however is fucked with a bunch of monsters that I salute to the next one, Gods speed to the coaches and mentors you're going to be needing it.

Coach from back home has already tried to contact and re-schedule me in about the girls practice routines and to at least stay in somewhat good enough form before returning for the upcoming season. I can't be falling behind when I'm one of their only opposite hitters, but alas like everything else in this world everybody is replaceable, and I think Chantelle has that covered... for now.

She's ambitious but I'm the one they will be needing for the championship.

Finally closing and locking my phone after spending hours, and I mean hours drooling over my new home and lock Screen of Ushijima's tasty pectorals and toned to high heaven abdomen. No one would know however as I long since invested into a privacy screen but as I slip my phone into my bra, I don't notice the slightly bent appearance of my shoe locker door.

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