Chapter 26

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In Himari's P.O.V 


I sigh in frustration and in relief.

This whole situation is downright annoying, the bastard is so close so I don't understand why we can't kill him already. Y/n-chan is out today visiting her mom while me and Yui are stuck here, well it's not all bad.

Reon and Tendo have both made themselves home in my dorm room, we lounge on the floor while playing some blackjack without money of course. Gotta look like the respectable ladies that we are in front of the boys.

Reon looks so good in his turtleneck that it's hard for me to keep my hands on my lap and wanting to rip those clothes off of him. I'm sure Yui is having the same problem with Tendo, actually never mind.

Yui and Tendo are quite happily snuggling up to one another on the bean bag while me and Reon are sat across from each other. I turn to look Yui in the eye and we both exchange some words.

"Pointing out the elephant in the room, do you know why your home boy has been cheating on our girl?" Reon looks up from his phone and places down his cup of green tea to give me a concerned look.

"Excuse me?" his voice is so soft yet so deep, it truly matches his personality.

"That's right Ushijima-san has been cheating on Y/n-chan and we've had enough of it."

"HAHAHAHAH. That's funny Himari-chan but do ya think ya talking about the right guy." Tendo explodes with laughter making me and Yui visibly angry.

"I agree. It took us long enough to show Wakatoshi-kun that he even likes her but cheating on her. That's impossible." He sits up straighter revealing his chiselled-out body that's snuggly hidden in his black turtleneck.

"So, what are you saying then, that what Y/n-chan saw yesterday was what an hallucination." I take the charge as it's obvious that Yui's not jumping in anytime soon.

"Most likely, but please enlighten me on what she saw." Yui looks annoyed and gets out of her seat and sits next to me glaring at Tendo.

"Tendo don't be mean." She said it in a way that sent shivers down my spine, and I thought I was the violent friend.

"Wh-nonono~Yui~chan, I just don't like it when people assume wrongly of others." He sings out but we both catch the sadness and pain lingering in his eyes. We both look at each other.

"Y/n-chan said that she saw this girl touching Ushijima-san yesterday and he wasn't pulling away." Yui calmly states reverting back to her quiet self once more.

"I can definitely assure you that Wakatoshi-kun is not cheating." Reon waves his hand finally grabbing his mug and bringing it to his gorgeous lips.

"Oh, how so?" I chime in actually curious where they're going with this one.

"It's because the girl he was with is Semi-semis girlfriend, he was asking about period products." My mouth left hanging and bouncing off the floor, I'm more shocked at the news that Semi has a girlfriend than that we totally overreacted.

Clutching hold of the hem of my fluffy jumper I try to puzzle the pieces back together again.

"We know that he got her some period shit but why? The girl doesn't even get them." They narrow their brows at us looking a little confused.

"Tendo I thought you said that's why girls' moods change." Reon looks at Tendo like a lost puppy, oh boy does he not know a thing.

"It's true, yesterday he said that Y/n-chan wasn't being herself and we all saw it remember," I look him in the eye remembering for the past week now she has been acting strange even before the cheating scandal. "I just said it's due to her being on her period but if it's not that then what?"

I put my hands to my chin trying to recall the moment that she started acting strange or stranger than she usually is. It was after the ball, she came back quieter than normal, I just thought that she had a fun time and I didn't want to ruin the mood. But the next day when I was making us some tea, I heard her muttering to herself.

What was it again?

"Hey quick question, has he ever told you guys that he loves her?" Yui swarms in and that's when I get the lightbulb moment.

Y/n-chan was muttering something about him not loving her and she is being unworthy of his love.

Oh no.

I look down at my phone and swipe for amazon package, it's still being held but not delivering oh good.

Looking back up I make eye contact with Reon who looks worried for what I have to say.

"Yui, we fucked up."


"Hang on a minute you're telling me that this is one big misunderstanding on both Y/n-chans and Wakatoshi-kuns part." Reon rubs his temple after us spewing out our evil plan to him and Tendo after realizing that we're in deep shit.

We're both kneeling down on the floor as they look down at us from the sofa awaiting our punishment for being morons.

"So let's just have a rundown of events shall we, Wakatoshi-kun has never admitted his feelings, Y/n-chan gets insecure about his feelings, Y/n-chan proceeds to obsess about it and during that time Wakatoshi-kun grew worried, he thought periods and spoke to the only girl that he thought of which now seems like a dumb decision but back then a right one. Y/n-chan witnessing the event when she is feeling really insecure about the relationship jumps the gun and plans to ruin him. Did I leave anything out?" Tendo too is rubbing his temples with his slender fingers.

"No that's everything." We both meekly say in unison looking down to the floor.

"My~my~my what are we going to do with you girls, huh? Reon you better tell him before it's too late." Reon hums I think I don't know I'm not exactly looking him in the eye right now.

"Your punishment is to spend a day with us." Eh that ain't a punishment.

We both look up at him stunned by his request that he's so adamant to call punishment.

"Tendo I would've spent time with you anyway but how is this punishment." Yui foolishly calls him out on it, Tendo smiles widely at us sending chills through me.

"I didn't specify what you will be doing did I."

I was about to say something when my phone buzzed, I opened the messages out to find news that would send this whole thing down the shitting shit storm of a toilet.

"Himari-chan what is it?" Yui looks at the text then back at the boys then nack at the text.

"Y/n-chan is staying in Tokyo for the remainder of December for the national youth team." I hesitantly let out, she's only doing this thinking that there's nothing left here for her, sure she has us but she's only thinking about hurting Ushijima-san.

We need to clean things up.

What it was a misunderstanding didn't see that coming. Some saucy action coming up soon if ya know what I mean like. Wink Wonk . Cos I wasn't talking about the drama when I was saying shit was about to go down. I was talking about something else ya know.

Welp enjoy

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