What the heck!?

39 7 10

"Last week, I was...", and here Ariana got cut off by the ring of her phone. She tried ignoring it and started again, however, the caller was as impatient as ever. When Ariana picked up the call and put it on speaker after looking at the caller id, she turned her head up to look at Bianca. All Bianca could see and understand at that moment was that Ariana looked desperate and scared, however, this was made certain as a deep voice spoke up to them and Bianca recognised that voice just too well.

"Ariana, the black van has decided to make its move. I mean, we are currently at the location and all we can see here, inside it, are cameras that show the clear view of your house.", the voice now slightly panicked. "I am not sure where those wild geese have headed to, but, according to the information you had provided, they aren't here. The van is empty and the warehouse looks not a bit suspicious. Also, we have another lead that indicates threat at the Paris Towers next. This time, we are sure it wouldn't be a bomb and we are also sure about having some nasty blood-shot gun fights there. Where are you? I hope you are with Bianca, I am worried as hell abo-", Ariana switched off the speaker.

"Blake shut up, she is here and she can hear. Also, whatever you said is so not good. I think they are to strike soon enough! Ugh! Do you think they know who I am?"

Before Blake had the chance to reply, the front door was knocked twice, so loud as though, the person on the other side was desperate. Ariana's eyes grew wide as Bianca went to open it. Ariana jumped over the sofa and held Bianca's hand firmly to stop her as she told Blake, "I need you to ask Smita to come at the Paris Towers with her helicopter and wait for us at the helipad. If we don't appear in the 11 minutes of her reaching here, call the team, not a second more, not a second less.". Saying this she hung up the phone.

"Ariana, what are you saying and what on Earth is happening here? I am very confused. How do you know Blake?", Bianca whispered all of this in one breath as she kept struggling to take her hand out of Ariana's grip.

"Bianca, I know you are clearly freaking out right now and just...listen to me for the next 15- 20 minutes, alright? First, I need you to tell me if there is a fire escape staircase that connects your house to the back or front gate."

"No Ari, I don't, mostly because, well, I don't usually burn my house down while cooking.", she answered lamely.

Ariana rolled her eyes at the second part of her answer, burst into a sly smile and said, "Ok, so now this has to be done the 'cool way'!"

After what seemed like a lifetime, due to the fact that Bianca had almost ten locks on the front door, it burst open and five men in black suits and guns made their way inside cautiously.

"Robert, go and check all the rooms. We need it. Do you hear...we NEED it and now!", the man who was named Robert took two men with him to check all the five rooms while, out of the remaining two, one stationed himself in front of the door while the other, possibly the "boss" went straight into the kitchen. Hmm, he probably had been rummaging through the refrigerator for some food because no one could remain un-hungry after all that shouting.

"Un-hungry isn't even a word", the brain rudely interrupted me. Let's just ignore the extra commentary.

Robert entered Bianca's room cautiously with a gun in his hand. He manoeuvred from the door to the black piano that sat at on of the corners of the room, then, he turned his head towards the painting that hung on the only azure blue wall in the room to the lamp on the bedside table and finally landing his eyes on the bed top, where, something shiny caught his eyes. He wiped his left hand on his thigh due to the sweat forming on it as he walked closer to it, knowing that it was probably the worst move, but, realising only after something sharp hit his neck. He yelped lowly as he fainted right on the spot.

"How on earth did you get that poison pen?", exclaimed Bianca, still whispering.

"Oh, you know...it comes in handy.", came the reply.

"Ok, so is he dead?", concern laced her voice as Bianca asked this.

"Do I look like I care?", came the cold reply.

"Whatever woman...I thought you did as he kinda looked cute in that suit.", Bianca playfully nudged her arm as if to lighten the mood of the entire situation that had arisen. Even if she knew that she would have probably been killed if it wasn't for Ariana. She had no clue on who those people were and looking at Ariana, she couldn't help but assume that her questions wouldn't be answered any time soon.

"Ugh! shut up and follow me to the room upstairs...quick!", Ariana said hastily as she pushed open the door behind the cupboard filled with novels while Bianca obliged to her 'not so calm' order. As Ariana climbed up the stairs after closing the door shut behind  and making sure that it wouldn't budge if anyone tried opening it, she faced Bianca, smirked and said,

"Well, Bianca, guys don't look cute in suites...they look hot."

Bianca left a short chortle and they headed upstairs. They quickly ran towards the "infamous painting", as Bianca had now started calling it, when they heard the helicopter approach the helipad that was connected to the room. The next 11 minutes were spent it carrying the painting and taking it towards the helipad, where, Smita was waiting for them in the helicopter.

The painting was safely transferred inside as both of them also made their way in. They seated themselves by strapping their belts around their bodies tight as Ariana commanded looking at her watch, "Get us to the base Smita, I am sure everyone wants to hear some good news. Oh and also...you might want to swerve the helicopter in approximately 48 seconds from...right now."

What happened next probably went down in the history of the Paris Towers...the helicopter was hit by a huge rush of air as the top floor of the building burst....yes....burst! There was an explosion in Bianca's house...but, this time, Ariana had caused it. All Bianca had to do, was look through the window of the helicopter and see her penthouse burn in a million flames. Not only that, what irritating her the most was that the blast impacted only her penthouse while her neighbours were not a bit affected by this explosion...what kind of bomb does that? She didn't even want to know.

She looked at Ariana and, "MY FUDGING HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!", yup, that was all that she screamed. Oh and after about a minute or so, her expressions turned from anger to blank to confusion to blank to realisation and settled to 'horror', she screamed again, "SHIT.................................................................................SHIVERS!!!!!"

The noise of sirens and ambulances faded away as her life began to begin a disastrous journey that she would or would not choose to express at all.

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