Chapter I; A Toast (draft)

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Working at a semi-known bar in New York is an interesting experience greeting new customers, most of the time we have the regulars or the passersby tourists looking for a drink - other times it's higher ups from other businesses interviewing their employees. But most of the time it's the party goers that come in for a good time.
Olympus' Paradise.
The bar I work at is a greek inspired patron ran by Blake Gainsborough, a young man with slick black hair and well groomed beard.

"Hey (Y/N), can you help me with these boxes."

Blake called from the front where a delivery truck pulled in, placing down the cup and tossing the white rug into a bin. I walked out the front door just as the back door opens revealing the many crates filled with boozes - Blake grabbed two of the crates as the young man handed me one. A couple of minutes goes by as we carry out the crates to the backroom or fill in the empty spaces on the shelves, when the bell from the door rang as a man with curly brown locks dressed in a purple dress shirt, black slacks and black shoes.
Setting down the last bottle on the shelf just as the man sat down at the bar.

"What can I get you, today?"

"Do you happen to have Assyrtiko?"

"Yes sir, coming up!"

Grabbing the green bottle of white and a glass chalice

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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