We Felt Happy

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Hi there, one question...

Are you happy? Like really happy. No sadness, no second guessing or thoughts on how you actually feel? I thought so, we've all been there and it's okay.

Are you happy when you're with friends and family? Some of us love to be around people. Those of us who do, love social interaction and we crave it. It's like we need it to survive and honestly everyone needs so kind of social interaction. We love to hug the ones we care about and discussing our interests or thoughts with each other. In that moment right before we feel like we're starting to bother them and right after we're start talking about the things we love, that's happiness. We love parties and family gatherings. We love people.

Are you happy sitting alone at home? Those of us who don't like social interactions that much will enjoy being alone. However, being alone all the time will takes its toll on us. Our mental health will slowly at first but quickly decline. We think being alone is better for us, because no drama. Yay right, no drama, no arguing. True you don't have to deal with other people attitudes, but what about when you start getting sad. What happens when you want to talk tot someone, when you have stuff to tell them, but no ones there. When you want to be alone, you're alone. But when you need someone, you'll still be alone.

Are you happy? With where you are in life right now. With what you're doing with your life. With who you're friends with. Are you satisfied with how you're living and who you're living with. Do the things you own make you feel something, or did you get it just because you can afford it? Tell me, because I want to know. We want to know if material things provoke happiness. The answer, if you're wondering, if you haven't figured out yet. The answer here is no.

Are you happy knowing that the thinks you say can hurt people? That calling people names or acting like you don't care, does hurt. Have you felt that? When you're told 'Did I ask?' Or 'Wow, I don't care,' because getting told that really fucking hurts. If you haven't been told that, you're lucky. Don't act like you know what someone's going through without being there, holding their hand and going through it with them. Until you do that, you don't know what they're dealing with. You don't know their struggles.

Are you happy? Tell me, the truth. Do you wake up, glad that you're here and glad to see the people around you? Are you happy waking up to a clean, or messy, house everyday? Do you get happy seeing those you love? Tell me because I haven't found it yet. I haven't found true happiness. I wake up some days and I don't want to even get out of bed to eat. I wake up other days and I want to be with people to interact. There are days where it's both, I want to be alone, but I want to be surrounded by people too.

Why can't life be simple like it was when we were kids? Why can't we be happy like we were back then? No worries, no questioning ourselves, and our only responsibilities were to keep up with our toys. Why can't we be like that? Happy and carefree?

The reason why most of us aren't truly happy is because we don't love ourselves. We don't think we're beautiful and worthy of love. We can't rely on others to produce our happiness, we need to find it in ourselves. No, we not kids anymore, we're adults with responsibilities. Some of us with children of our own and others just getting our first jobs. We deserve to be happy, we deserve to feel loved. But until we are completely and truly happy, we'll always remember what it felt like to be actually happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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