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I woke up again, the sun streaming into the room. I looked around confused at where I was then I remembered I was in Ivan's room but he wasn't here instead a note lay on the bed. I picked it up, it read' got to work, didn't want to wake you up, see you later, love Ivan. I dropped it back and lay on the bed, then I heard someone yell 'hazel is gone'. I was confused at first then I realized what happened, they didn't see me in my room. I covered myself with the blanket and stayed still.

Soon enough the door opened.

'Ivan, hazel is gone, wake up' I heard Simon say. He threw the blanket over and gapped at me. 'found her' he yelled and the others came in. they were all shirtless except for miles who had only a towel on.

'you scared the shit out of us' Percy complained.

I sighed 'next time search the whole house before you declare me missing' they all stared at me as I rolled of the bed, grabbed my blanket and arranged the bed.

'what?' I asked the boys staring.

'you look pretty without your hoodie' Simon observed. I felt for it but it had fallen off my head so my hair was just falling over my shoulder. I mouthed an 'o' before walking out. I took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth, then put on a white hoodie with black jeans and flip-flops. I stood in front of the mirror asking myself 'did I actually look pretty? I groaned. What am I turning into? I'm never the one to care about my appearance or look at the mirror. I think living here is changing me into a normal teenager.

I heard someone knock and open the door. It was Dale.

'I think you should wait for an answer before you enter, next time' I told him. He blushed crimson and started to scratch his nape.

'oh, sorry, um... Alan wants you down for breakfast'

'oh, that I'm not hungry'

'yeah, he said you'll say that but just come down' I raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled sheepishly. I think they paid him to do it but I followed him. I heard hushed conversation in the kitchen and I walked in. sitting at the table was my dad. I stood there and stared at him, I was stuck to the ground. I thought he'll be gone for a long time that way I'll be able to avoid him.

'good morning Hazel' he said slowly. I quickly snapped out of my trans.

' good morning, sir?'

'come and seat down' Alan said. I walked over to him and sat between he and Simon. Alan handed me a bottle of water which I gratefully drank.

Dad cleared his throat 'Hazel and I will be spending the day together' I think the water went the wrong way because I started to cough. Simon rubbed my back until I stopped. Everybody gapped at me, father looked like a ghost.

'me. You. Out' I choked out.

'yes, we'll leave in 20 minutes' I quickly excused myself and walked back to my room. It seemed unbelievable. A whole day with dad alone. I jumped on my bed and screamed into my pillow. Then I got up to pick what I was going to wear. I decided on a sea green crop hoodie with black jeans and sneakers. In 10 minutes I was ready, I grabbed my phone and purse before going down the stairs to get something to eat. Surprising? Only Alan and Percy were in the kitchen thankfully.

'ready already? Percy asked. I rolled my eyes at him. 'don't show attitude missy'

'sorry' I apologized then turned to Alan' can I get something to eat?'

He looked at me surprised' this is the first time you're actually eating in a few days'

'I thought the doctor said it was compulsory' Percy asked.

'I know but you can't force food down someone's throat' I nodded in agreement. I was handed a bowl of cereal. I ate it slowly but finished before dad came back. We headed to his mustang. I called shotgun. We sat in awkward silence as he started the car and drove off.

'so, how do you like your new home? He asked me.

'it's okay here, I like it'

'I'm glad to hear that' we went in silence mode again. He stopped when we reached a floral shop. A lady came out immediately and handed some deep red roses to dad who in turn gave them to me. We continued until we came to a lonely part of town. it looked forest like, okay it was a forest. What were we doing here? He packed the car.

'we're her, come out with the flowers' he said coming out. I made no move to come out. He leaned back into the car 'Hazel come on'

'why're we here?' I asked.

'you'll see, come on' I came down reluctantly. He led me into the forest, we followed a path that had implanted stone slabs. We walked till we got out a clearing and I saw the most beautiful sight. A waterfall with clear crystal water flowing into a clear crystal stream. I didn't know when I mouthed a wow.

'you like it? Dad asked. I nodded. 'you can come here anytime you like' I quickly took out my phone and took a few pictures to show the others.

'come let me show you something' he led me to the other part of the clearing. There were two crystal slabs, side by side behind was a large slab of stone with an inscription. 'the two loves of my life' I looked at dad for an explanation.

'this is your mother's grave, her body was found a few days after you came here, I wanted to show you earlier but.... I stared at the grave that had my mother. I couldn't imagine her 6 feet below, rotting away in an old wooden coffin. I looked at the second grave.

'who was she?' I asked.

'angel, my first wife, mother of the boys' I wondered what she looked like, I tried to imagine her in my head, removing their dad from their face and trying to piece what their mother looked like.' She died of cancer' he continued 'then I married your mother, she was very pretty like you, though we split, she gave me the one thing I asked for'


'you, Hazel, she gave me a girl with hazel eyes and gold hair and she took you away, it broke my heart but you're here now' I knelt by my mother's grave and dropped some roses.

'I miss you mum, but I'm safe now' I whispered to her. Dad knelt beside me and I handed him some flowers he dropped on angel's grave.

'let's go' we both stood and walked away. As we walked dad bent and got some water and splashed it in my face. At first I was shocked when I stared at his laughing face. Two can play at this game. I also took some water and splashed on him. We kept splashing until we were quite soaked and laughing.

'let's take a selfie' I said. We took some before we headed back through the forest and then home.

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