Chapter one ~ The fall

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Sound of crackling crystal could be heard all over the now destroyed palace of the no-longer king of the Mirror World. Pleas of mercy and cries of pain echoed through the gray halls and broken windows. The reflection of the lone swordman of Dreamland was being beaten to (almost) dead by his creator, his father, his now weak no-longer-king, Dark Mind, angered by the failure of his creation in stopping any threat from getting into his way. 

A plan, a perfect plan to rule over the Mirror world and the world of dreams, to try and use the dimentional mirror to create begins out of the darkest side of someone, to use them as his underlings to cause fear, to make everyone tremble under the mention of his name, such a perfect plan now thrown to the trash thanks to his good for nothing first attemp! Those were the thoughs of the dark lord, who now held his very own child by his neck, right on the border of one of the floating platforms that rested on the clouds. Crystal shards fell from said platform to an unknown place below, the reflection of the lone swordman, his face wet in blood by the scar on his no longer useful left eye and tears dripping down his cheek from his right eye, his body broken by the brutality of the attacks of Dark Mind, his mind full of fear, begged silently for mercy to his father.

"Prehaps I was wrong, I should have never created you" Such a harsh, cold words now resonated in the head of the reflection. He wanted to scream, he wanted to let out his voice, to crumble and fall to his knees to cry, but he couldn't, his throat was already too graspy from all the screams before.

Then he felt it, the gravity of the planet dragging him down, the sudden cold against his broken body by the air breaking through as he fell, the fear of not knowing what would happen once he hitted the ground, for how long was he going to fall? Where was he going to land? As the reflection saw the platform getting furter and furter away and the clouds passing  by, he finally let out a scream, a scream that resonated through the world he callled 'heaven'. 

The groud below him started to get closer and closer, he felt the forest swallow him and then...


Dark Meta Knight woke up for the third time that night, eyes shot open, breath unsteady, cold sweat driping down his face. He sat up once he recolected himself and let out a groan, his hands covering his face. He wasn't there anymore, he wasn't falling anymore, Dark Mind was dead and he shouldn't be worring so much, yet...

How much he wished he could forget that.

Well, at least the things that happened after that were better, he was lucky enough to be found by a (kinda) nice person that got him fixed, a really hot one too.

He looked at the night sky from his made up tent close to the woods, his eyes locked on a specific amount of clouds high above. Right, it's been almost a two months since he last visited his brother and the hero of the Mirror World, four since all that trouble with the weird hearts and the shit of Another Dimension happened. Who would say that he would end up becoming friends with the reflection of Dreamland's hero? Who would say that he would be very protective towards his brother? Damn he misses them, more than he wishes, but he misses them a lot. 

But he wasn't going back to heaven just yet, there were things needed to be done down on earth for him, like, for example, getting a date with that thug, or trying to beat the shit out of the lone swordman and the self-proclaimed king, or maybe paying Susie a visit while she was still there. He loved the heaven it was the Mirror world, then and now, it was still as nice as ever, the sights, the places, the things you could get, but he also started to love how was everything down there, it still had way more color than his so loved heaven, there were little things you could only find out there on the planet, and not to mention that their only way to get to other planets was by, first, going through Dreamland's sky at least.

Well, he was more awake now, 'screw you nightmares I'm leaving', he thought. Should he even be able to have nightmares here?  Maybe the fountain's power didn't reach out to the creatures of the mirror. Another question for it's spirit to ask now I guess.

Getting up and now realizing the sun had started to slowly rise, he made his way to Rainbow Resort, prehaps he'll find that stupid sexy rat somewhere in his way, he wished.


Ok, I know this part is short, but, it's more of an introductory to the story than anything. This is kida AU-ish opsies~ I'm making Dark Mind an asshole, a dead one too, I might explain more of what actually happened there at the mirror world, but what you need to know for now is that Kirby didn't finish him off when they fought him.

Daroach will appear on the next chapter don't worry

Also, if you see any grammar mistakes in any of the chapters, just tell, me, I'll really apreciate it (I'm a self taught in english speaking, I actually speak spanish ^^U)

My eyes kinda hurt rn, too much drawing I guess, gotta give my sigh a rest.

Let's see how the next chapter turns out, because even if I have an idea of what I want, I have no clue of what to write HAHA.

Anyways guys, see ya later! Stay save and eat your vegetables~


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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